Leo x Female!Reader

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Those big eyes.

Video - https://youtu.be/9N-BSonq2uo

Leo's Pov - ♢
I was going to Y/N home in up town new york, she lived alone so it was fine to come over anytime we wanted which was nice. I normally played video games with her or watched a movie. Ya know normal friend stuff. But one thing is....I have fallen so hard for her it's not even funny! One day I looked into those big E/C eyes and started to shutter like an idiot! And I the great Leon Neon has never done that before. I would flirt with her yes, but I never knew how much I liked this girl till a few weeks ago when she and I touched hands when trying to get the remote. "Oh sorry Y-!" Looking in her E/C eyes, I noticed how big and cute they were. How they sparkled in the moon light of the dark night of her room. She smiled and shook her head at me. "Oh no, go ahead. It's your turn to pick, Leo." She turned back away from me and got some more snacks as she did so, a gasket blew up in my brain and showed on my face.

I was all red and everything, would put Raph's mask to shame! Then on I've been not really looking her in the eyes to avoid any other shuttering fits

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I was all red and everything, would put Raph's mask to shame! Then on I've been not really looking her in the eyes to avoid any other shuttering fits. Well am here now....hopefully this goes okay...

Your Pov - ♡
Leo is coming over! Am so happy~ but am worried about him lately, he hasn't been looking at me. He either looks down or away from me. I hope I didn't upset him with something I said? I didn't want to think to much into cause it made me sad to think my friend was mad or upset with me. Leo knocked on the window. "Coming!" I opened it up and gave him my biggest smile I could. "Hello, Leonardo!" I always greeted him by his full name out of respect. Guess am old fashioned. "Uh, hey N/N! How's it shakin?" He looked to the side rubbing his neck, I felt a bit of sadness again but shook it off. "I'm doing great now that you are here!" I grabbed his hand and led him in and he never once made eye contact with me. "What do you wanna watch today?" I asked. "Anything you want is fine!" He yelled quickly and covered his mouth. "S-Sorry!" He said. I said it was fine, turning the TV on. Awhile pasted, I was getting bored and decided to talk to Leo. "So, how was your day?" I asked. "Awesome as usual." He smiled. "Your brothers?" "Fine!" He never looked at me. Stared at the TV. I was getting frustrated now. "Do you like my new shirt? It has cats on it.~" I said sweetly. "Oh yeah! Adorable!" He said nodding. I was lying, it had ducks on it. "Leo?" "Yes?" "Can you look at me instead of the tv?" I asked. He flinched a bit and moved about in his place. "I...uh.." I started to tear up, but full water works started after. I was a big crybaby.

"Did I do something wrong?" I whimpered

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"Did I do something wrong?" I whimpered. He snapped his head to me quickly. "N-No!" He quickly said waving his hands.

Leo's Pov - ♢
Why is she crying?! What did I do! Why does she think she did anything? "Don't cry, Y/N! You did nothing I swear!" I tried to calm her but it was no use. "Then why won't you look at me?" She said, I stopped. That's why she crying? Am such an idiot! "I-I! Okay!" I yelled and she stopped, she looked at me in pure confusion, I never yelled at her, well am not yelling at her...more at myself. "It's because....Your eyes.." I got out barely. She blinked and had a shocked expression. "My eyes??? What about them?" She asked me. "I can't look at them...they are so big and......cute." I said the last part quietly, but she heard me. "My eyes are big and cute?" She said to herself and she put the words together and then it clicked. She blushed madly and put her hands on her cheeks. "A-hhh-! R-Really?!" She looked to the side and I stared at her in awe at how embarrassed she was. "Leo! You big dummy! Why didn't you say anything! I thought.....you hated me.." she cried and those eyes just got bigger and even more dare I say cuter? "I could never hate you, Y/N! Ever! I love you!" I blurted out and covered my mouth next. She looked to me, she blinked and slowly but surely grabbed my hand and pushed it down. "Say it again." She said. I looked at her and blushed so hard I couldn't take it. "I-I uhhh-" I stuttered out. "Say it again, properly." I sighed and started again. "You drive me crazy, I see you and I clam up....you know how to make me laugh when am down and you go along with everything. Like that time you called me the champion when no one did, you put up with that when no one else did. Y/N, your H/C hair is so sulky and smooth and smell really nice like cherries. Your smile could kill a guy if he looked at you." I said and she sat there and listened. I didn't look at her face. "Your laugh is contagious and I wanna keep hearing it, I hear it at night and it makes me sleep from the calm it brings me. Your skin is the most beautiful shade of S/C, I have ever seen. It's so soft and bright when you blush. Your quirky and funny, and you even make puns and laugh when I say my awesome oneliners!" I huffed out and breathed. "But most of all your eyes.....there so open with love and trust that it hurts, there so breath taking they are like the ocean it self. That beautiful E/C color is pure beauty. I didn't mean to hurt you...but your eyes are my weakness....Oh who am I kidding!? Your my weakness! I love you, Y/N! With my whole heart and soul! I can't take it anymore!" I shouted. She said nothing. I panicked. "I understand if you don't feel anything for me, am a mutant turtle after all and your a gorgeous human girl." I said. "Your way out of my-!?" She grabbed my arm and I looked at her face finally.

"You mean it?" She asked

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"You mean it?" She asked. "Everything?" I blinked slowly and shouted. "Of course I do! And so much more!!" She grabbed my face and pulled me in for a kiss. I backed away and blushed. "You don't have to-!" "I wanted to dummy." She smiled and giggled. "Your kind of an idiot at times Leo, I swear." She laughed. As she sat on her legs. "I love you too, Leo." She smiled. "You should have just told me silly, not make me worry so." She said grabbing my face, I can't help but frown. "I know am an idiot." She giggled and kissed my nose causing me to be a blushing mess. "But your my idiot~"

××××××××××××××××××××××××××××After a long week coming or weeks, sorry about that

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After a long week coming or weeks, sorry about that.
Hope you enjoy! Finally a female!reader.

Images belong to their rightful owners.
Story by rpghorror-san.

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