Leo x Beast!Reader

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Leo ended up in a world full of snow and ice, it was so cold he thought he would die. He didn't think he could move, it hurt to much to move. He turned his head and shook feeling as if he would die if he didn't move his head to look, he could feel his life slowly leave him as he breath deeply. He fell here when he opened a patrol, he meant to go to a beach like land the one he always goes to with his brothers. But he got patrol jacked, he thought this was over with when he was a teen but no apparently not. He looked around on more time before his eyes started to close, what would happen to his brothers...his sister April and dad....he started to cry...he didn't want to die, not like this..anything but this.

Just then he heard footsteps, the crunch was heard from his side as he began to panic he moved around but no by much and started to cry slow tears coming down his face. A figure of white and black was seen in his view as they bent down, they lightly touch his head...."Don't.....c...r..y.." He heard brokenly fading out. Later on his awoke to the noise of wind howling outside, but it no longer sounded right near him but far away, he lifted up slowly opening his eyes as he did so and found he was in a cave of sorts. There was also a fire next to him and it felt so nice on his cold skin. He looked down to see he was covered in white furry blankets but he was scared that they were real animal skins. "You should be laying down." A rough voice was heard and Leo whipped to that sound and regretted it right away as the room spinned with him. "I told you, you just had hypothermia and still might have it so please stay still." They kneeled down next to him, lightly pushing him down. They covered him back up with the furs. "Is this really fur?" He asked. "Yes it is, Problem?" They tilted their head. "That's so gross...." "Better then freezing to death, you aren't a beast like me so your fragile. If it makes you feel better they are old and not new." He rolled his eyes. "No that does not..." He said in a whisper but they heard. "What happened to you? Why are you here in the Beast World?" They asked tending to the fire sitting very relaxed like knees up and legs down while their arm rest on their knees. "I got portal jacked, I was gonna go to the beach but then I ended up here and by my luck I toke a bad fall and now am here." He yelled and huffed waving his hands in the air. They laughed and Leo glared at them. "Sorry am not laughing at you, but that is new indeed. Most come through a door we have. You just fall out of the sky, lucky for you all that happened was a broken leg." Leo knew that now it made sense as to why his leg wasn't moving , it hurt to much to do so.

Leo toke a moment to take a good look at them, they looked like a white tiger almost like a thunder god in the japanese myth but white instead of orange....also they had no drums. Their hair was short most likely due to all the high winds, it would just smack them in the face, but some braids did come out of the sides of their head. Their face was covered in black tiger like lines, they had bright eyes. Even their outfit was very fantasy like, they even had a collar around their neck...odd. "Do you have thunder powers?" He asked. "Hmm? Oh no, Ice more like it. A orange tiger beast would but not me. My kind is more of a rare type around here even in my race." They said. Leo nods his head, "So what do they call you around here?" They blinked and laughed. "What's so fucking funny?!" He yelled. "Usually no one asked that, I usually get the whole 'I'm gonna kill you' and that's it." They hold their middle while laughing. They rubbed a tear out of their eye. "I'm Y/N. White Tiger Beast." They smile at Leo. "I'm Leo, Leonardo Hamato. But just Leo is fine. Uhh thanks for saving me that is." He smiled back and Y/N blushed at that. "A-Ah...Well you were crying so I couldn't just leave you...." They looked off, "I was not crying! It was just snowflakes melting!" Y/N chuckled loudly and then full on laughed at Leo.

Leo blushed but said nothing, he actually quite liked that laugh they made. "Well you'll have to stay here then till you get better. I have to stay here with you the whole time unless am getting food or something." Leo looked up. "You said people try to kill you before asking your name, what do you mean by that?" Y/N sadly but surely smiles at him. "In this world its kill or be killed. We are animals and as animals the food chain and such is a real thing here much like in your world. I knew you weren't from here cause you smell different...more like some..non human but human..its odd to pin point." They rubbed their chin. "I'm a mutant turtle mixed with human and turtle DNA so yeah that might be what your 'talking' about." Y/N's ears stood up. "Really?" A nod. "That makes sense then as to why you smell good then." They went back to the fire. "Wait what! Your not gonna eat me are you!" They quickly looked back over. "No you moron! I am not! What kind of a tiger do you take me for!" Leo backed away and glared at Y/N. They grunted "Ugh you moron." Y/N pinned Leo down for a moment and Leo yelped. "I. am. not. going. to. EAT. you." They looked into his eyes and Leo gulped while blushing a bright red color. Y/N didn't see this or didn't care cause they didn't move till Leo agreed. He finally nodded. "I just meant that humans have a nice smell like flowers and such and since your an animal too you smell like nature. That's all I meant, I don't eat small fir like you dummy." They looked at him, they noticed the small twitch he was making and reached out to touch his cheek, rubbing softly. "Hey I told you not to worry didn't I? I saved you, am not gonna leave you here. I'm gonna make sure your well and healthy before sending you home okay?" They never blinked and made a slient promise to him and Leo couldn't help but tear up at that. "I don't even know you that well and you wanna help me?" He shook his head smiling. "I don't need a reason." They looked sternly at him. "I can do whatever the hell I want and no one can tell me otherwise. Not even you." They still hovered over him but this time holding his hand a little. "You get me now?" He nods. "Yeah I do Y/N...Thanks." They still saw the tears coming down his face and bent down, licking them up and Leo's mind stopped working. His face dark shades of red and smoke came out and he even muttered out a noise that sounded broken and shocked. "Stop crying already..it really messes with me." He just nods quickly and keeps going to hopefully get them off of him. They laugh "Haha you really are a weird one." They pushed the hair out of their face and laughed finally getting up. "Okay get some sleep, It should take three days to get you up so I can get you home." They sat down next to him now and laid a hand on his head. "Uhh, yeah I hope my brothers aren't to worried about me. I hope my phone will work in this place." Leo slowly closed his eyes since the rubbing of his head was nice, "Goodnight...Y/N.." He fell asleep. "Heh goodnight you little cutie." They kissed his head and stayed there for a bit cheek resting on his forehead. "Please don't cry anymore...I really should stop..I can't get close again. Not ever again...damn it." They kissed his head one last time before tending back to the fire. 


There will be a part two but for now am playing a otome game with a world name Beastia so yeah I toke that idea for this story, I will see ya again next time!

Stories by MushroomFiction.

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