Leo x Female!Child Reader

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Requested by S203324

E/C Eye Color
Y/N Your Name
H/C Hair Color

Leo was on patrol with his brothers one night when he heard a fateful scream coming from down an alley somewhere. He quickly came down and saw a little girl getting chased by flying fish, he came in and cut them down he blocked the way from them getting to her. Once he was done he could hear soft whimpers of a small child. Turning around the little girl was small maybe like 5 years old, (E/C) eyes and short (H/C) hair with a big sweater covering her whole body, she even had little boots.

She was shaking obviously scared about what just happened, Leo kneeled down and spoke softly. "Hey, it's alright now. I won't hurt ya, see big friendly turtle just wants to help you." She stopped crying and looked up at him with a sort of awe. She stood up a bit and felt his cheek, he stood still for her so as not to scare her away or make her cry again. That would rip his heart up to pieces. "You, big turtle? Help (Y/N)? " He nods. "I'm the awesome Leon Neon, but you can just call me Leo." He smiled wide at the little girl and she giggled. "Now then, where are your mom and dad, sweet pea?" (Walking dead reference xD) she shook her head. "Gone...." he tilted his head. "What do you mean? Like out of state? Or?" She started to cry again, he gaspped and started to wave his arms and panicked. "No no, don't cry! Am sorry!-"
"No...gone gone...(Y/N) all alone." She sobbed and rubbed her eyes, Leo was so sad and his face was in a deep frown. He hugged her and rubbed her back. "Hey...Shh it's okay, Leon Neon is here for you now. You know what how about you come and stay with me and my family?" He said happily and she stopped. "You mean, with other turtles?" He nods. "Yes! My brothers will love you to pieces! Come on I will show you!" He picked her up and carried her. She pulled his mask and he stopped. "What?" He asked stopping on one roof top. "Will Leo be (Y/N) friend?" She asked with the biggest puppy dog eyes. He stopped and awed at her, she was such a sweet little kid. Almost like a sister would tell her brother if she could keep a pet. "Of course duh! I thought it was obvious that we are friends!" He said proudly and she giggled. "Yay!!"

It had been three month since they toke her in, the brothers were mixed a bit. Raph and Mikey were in hammered by her cuteness but Donnie and at the same time Raph being older thought how much of a responsibility it would be to raise a little kid. But they both caved either way, even pop was happy about having a little kid to help him in pranking the boys once in a while. Leo never really left her side when he was back home and even toke her out sometimes for late night pizza parties with April. All was good.

"Thanks very much, big brother." She giggled and kissed his cheek and he smiled wide hugging her. "Your welcome, sweet pea."

Thanks for the request! I thought I would make it short and sweet. Hope ya enjoy ♡♢♡

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