Leo x Shy Female Reader

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Requested by Smol-Bread-Child

You wear a long sleeved sweater and pants, your hair covers most of the left side of you face and you have long hair. Unless you have different features then edit those little parts xD

(Y/N) Your Name
H/C Hair Color
E/C Eye Color

It's am happy to announce that I dubbed this on my youtube channel, this channel will have all my stories dubbed.

It's had been six months since the guys had saved you from meat sweats, you were out late getting home, wind going threw your long (H/C) hair, you were getting out from studying with your friend. You had a sweater on like you always did since you got cold easily. Not that your mom and dad cared about you getting home, they probably didn't even notice that you left but oh well. You came out from around the corner and saw that you almost got ran over by a car, but just in time a person or at least you think it was a person? But they are green.....anyway by the time you looked up you saw a turtle mutant above you and he was looking around. "You almost hit someone pop!? Donnie get him before he hurts someone!" He yelled. "I'm trying! He's getting to far for me!" Another yelled. He looked to you and you looked back, suddenly your face heated up and you threw yourself back really quickly and hit the wall, becoming a stuttering mess. "I-I uhhh! You!"
"Hey woah woah calm down, Miss, am not gonna hurt you. Especially a cute face like that~" he flirted and you became even more red. "Ehhh." You couldn't get words out, damn it for being shy as hell. Later when all was done, they all looked to you and introduce themselves. The big one was Raph, the purple on was Donnie, Mikey was the small one and finally the one who saved you was named Leo. They looked to you and waited and you jumped up.
Moving your one bang out of your other eye and said "I-I'm (Y-Y/N-N). Thank you v-very m-much," You gave a small bow. They all giggled at how cute you were but Leo was captured by you most of all, seeing your eyes both of them toke his breath away and from then on became close to you and when you were around never left your side.

Back to the present, you were sitting in the lair drawing and such, it was something you liked doing to calm down the anxiety you tend to have around people. Don't get me wrong, you've grown to like the guys but sometimes being around others still made you jumpy. Also with Leo always being near you it made your heart beat so fast you couldn't think, and the flirting was what set you off into a fit of stutters and redness, you may be shy but you could tell when someone was flirting and such. Why he was doing it to you was a mystery, you didn't think you were anything special. Just a girl with bangs covering one side of her face, a bad stutter, shortish and not very much confidence. Leo on the other hand was brave, kind, sweet, and overall handsome...wait did you just say that or think that? Oh my god! I must sound like an idiot! You dropped your pencil and hid your face in your hands and blushed shaking your head back and forward. You didn't seem to hear someone walking up to you and pick up the pencil you dropped. "You dropped your pencil cutie~ is this your way to get me to talk to you? You know like they do in those romance high school movies?" He said and you pick your head up and looked at him with those dark black eyes and his face was just so....ugh! "I uhhhh, nooo?" You said. "Oh what a shame, cause it was working." He sighed and faked the hurt he felt, you couldn't help but chuckled a bit. "You have the most gorgeous laugh~" he said matter a factly.

Getting closer, he looked at you. "Wish you would show all of your face and not just one side. You look so much prettier." He pulled your bangs to the side, looking to the side you tried to scoot away but he wasn't having it. He knew how shy you were and he was trying really hard to get you out of your "shell" heh. "Hey, wait? Is that me?" Looking down at your art book he saw what you were drawing and tilted his head upside in a way so he could see better. "No!..." You put the book against your chest. "Fine...y-yes, this is s-so e-embarrassing." You said the last part quietly, he lifted an eyebrow. "I think it's faltering. I mean none can resist the urge to look at someone such as myself!" He waved his hand in the air like he won a victory. He grabbed it quickly from you and held it above your head and he stood up as you tried to get it back. "G-Give it back! L-Leo!" You jumped. "Nothing unless, you say please. Or give me a kiss~" he jokely said pointing to his cheek, just when you heard that you slipped and fell into him, he caught you but lost his footing sending you both to the ground. Leo let out a grunt. "I get that your falling for me, but this is absurd." He giggled and you got up quickly looking into his eyes and him looking into your (E/C) ones. He let out a sigh and kissed you on the cheek. "Relax (Y/N), I was only joking." He got up and picked you up. Both standing now, he was gonna walk away but you grabbed him and kissed him back, well on the cheek and he had a goofy grin on his face. "Ehhh, (Y/N). So bold of you~ are you sure your really shy?" He said and hug you around your waist, blushing a bright red you nod.

"You did a great job in catching my likeness, I love it. Mind if I....keep it? I want a reminder of this moment." You smile softly and nod. "Am happy you like it, though it's nothing s-special...am nothing s-special.." You looked down and he grabbed your shoulders. "Are you kidding me!? Your like the coolest, cutest, and most amazing person I ever meet!" Your eyes widen. "You not only didn't judge us for how we looked, but also wanted to be friends with us. You are so nice to all of us, and you put up with my crazy antics, you even laugh and giggle at my jokes! No one does that. And may I say your so pretty you can take my whole breath away, even the whole room would not have air to spare my sweet!" He went on and on and you started to cry a bit out of joy that someone would even think of you that way. He saw this and gaspped, hugging you. "I'm sorry! Did I go to far this time!? Man what an idiot!" He panicked and you giggled, he looked at you with shock in his eyes and frowned one eyebrow down. "Okay? Did I say something funny now? Did I mess up?!" He half yelled. "No, I'm sorry it's just...no one has ever said that to me. Thank you Leo." You gave him one final kiss on the cheek and he grinned and sighed. "Well, all I said was the truth, my dear~" and with that you both spent the rest of the night together hugging and saying sweet words.

Sorry it toke 4 or 5 days? I was almost done the first day but then I had to go to sleep to go to the doctors....so yeah but hey this became way longer than I thought, but I loved the way it came out! Hope ya enjoy¡ ♡♢♡

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