Leo x Dragon!Reader

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Dragon trade (Warning 18+) (Gore)

Leo was told by Big Mama if they wanted a gem to help beat the kraagg he needed to find a dragon named Y/N, but only problem was Big Mama said they were sold to the Dragon Trade and might be there being sold off. Leo hated that idea, he wasn't sure what the trade was...but he kind of wished he never found out.

Past night time in the hidden city going to a red light district area, he soon found what horror was awaited for him. Many animals skins of creatures he didn't wanna know of were there, horns, tails, eyes, and even animals in some cages along with meat hooked up on hooks. Leo was sick to his stomach to say the least. As he got up to the cages more a man appeared.

"So young man! What can I get ya for?" He laughed loudly as he held Leo's shoulder, he had to play it cool. "I'm looking for a special type of magical creature." The man brighten up widely more rare more money. "Ohh! What kind of rare creature yer looking for?" Leo gulped. "Dragon." He smirked. "Ohh what a find rare find you want there, but young man I warn ya these creatures are lots of money." Leo waved his hand. "I have lots of money, I just want a dragon." He rolled his eyes, he had to play the part. Honestly he just wanted to get out of here, all these creatures in cages made him sad and sick. Who would do such things to these guys...

"Alright here we are! Sorry we don't have very much but this one is the most beautiful of all!" He pointed to a large cage with a eastern dragon in it, eyes shining so bright it glowed in the dark shaded part. It was big well huge more like it not new york houses huge but way taller then him.."Ahhhh!!!!!" It yelled loudly in Leo's face and he backed up. "Woah!" "I am so sorry!" He zapped the dragon as it fell down from the shock. "I will warn they are quite aggressive! Hahah but I feel like you should know that at least. I will go get you the things you need. I'll be right back, this one will cost ya 900k to 1mill." He walked away with a laugh and a smile, Leo glared at him for shocking the dragon.

He walked up to the cage, the dragon backed away from Leo growling. "Hey hey wait I won't hurt you. I needed to find you for a gem you have to beat the kraagg-!" A loud bang on the cage "All you disgusting creatures ever want is something!" They said firmly with such a wise voice. "I-" "Leave me you gross creature, I will never give the gem to a selfish creature like you." They turned. "Wait, I didn't mean it like that. I want to help you get out! I'm sorry it appeared I didn't care....but the kraagg will blow up the world with my family and brothers...please...I need your help." He bowed a frown on his face. The Dragon or Y/N looked back. "Do you wish to use the Gem for good?" He nods. "I'm sorry they locked you up like this, this isn't right...how did you even end up here?" "I was careless and wasn't paying attention. But this place is the sad cruel fate of some of us who are taken away from our homes." Leo frowned looking around. "This world can be beautiful but also ugly....but I see that you have beauty in your heart. I can help but I can't leave this cage." Leo jumped up on the cage, using his sword his lifted it up. "I can help you with that." He cut threw the bars. "How did you?" "Hamato power! I am Leonardo Hamato Jitsu!" They laugh loudly, "W-Why are you laughing..???" "That sounded so lame." Leo blushed and hid his face.

"Hey stop right there!" The man came back and Leo jumped down. "Time to go!" He teleported them both out of there in time to be in a forest area. "Thank you young Leonardo." "Heh Leo is fine you know." Y/N bows. "Y/N." They laugh, Leo blushed a bit. They had a very cute laugh and they looked very cute in general. He was able to see them a lot better now. They were pretty long and had such beautiful (S/C) scales and shiny (H/C) hair much like their eyes. "Well uhh...we better get going then.. Huh?" "Haha ahh yes we must, but this form will not due sadly." He frowned looking back. Soon a light was show and a figure with super long hair was on the ground trying to get up. He went to them and as they got up they fell but he caught their arms lifting them up.

"Are you okay?! What- Wha....?" They looked at each other and Leo's whole face turned red. They looked even more stunning, and he noticed they were naked so he looked back up and stuttered. "Uhh sorry! Didn't mean to sneak a peek." He laughed awkwardly. "Not much to see dear, no gender." They laugh but stood up landing in his arms this time. "Apologies, haven't used this form in many years. Human like legs are so hard to get use too." They looked up at him. He was hugging them now and he thought he would die. "No worries, Looks like I caught myself a beauty catch." He slapped his face, he thought he was lame that time but they laugh a full hearty laugh. "Well your not so bad yourself, my little gem." They poked his nose. He blushed brightly not able to keep it together. "Well-! Uhh let's get you some clothes and take you to my place so we can go over the plan. I mean if you don't mind helping us...I understand if you wanna leave." He sheepishly said to them. "I already said I would help you, young one." He perked up. "Really?!" They laughed loudly. But nodded none the less. They brought out the gem he needed. "This gem is the very life force of the forest I come from. You must take care of it with your life. I am trusting you with it." They hold his hand putting it in his hand. "May you be able to reach your goal." They kissed his cheek for good luck. Leo touched his cheek, "This is charm for luck, I hope you don't mind." "I wouldn't mind if you did it more." He slapped himself again. "Ugh me and my big mouth." They laughed. "You really are quite a character Leonardo. I might give you more if you are a good boy." They giggle. "Your really pretty when you laugh." They blush lightly. "Thank you. Well then shall we head off then?" He nods. "Well we have to find you some clothes. Can't be running around naked." "But your naked?" "That's different! And am not fully I have a fanny pack thank you!" They once again chuckled at that. "Okay okay, let us get to it then." They grabbed his arm. "Lead the way Leo." He nods. "Let's." He is happy he found them and broke them out. They deserve way more then that horrible place. He hopes that he can save the world, and maybe find a new love in Y/N. He will just have to wait and see.

I am wondering if I should take a break from writing cause I feel like everything is the same and boring... Well hope this one was at least okay. Well bye bye for now.

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