Leo x InjuredMale!Reader

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Bumps and Bruises

It was a day like any other, Y/N was on his way to the lair. He wanted to see his friends since he had a pretty rough day. The school bully (B/N) decided that Y/N needed a beat down for speaking out about his crudely to the other students. So here he was all beaten up with Bumps and Bruises, Bandaids hurt to wear when they are fresh on his skin.

 So here he was all beaten up with Bumps and Bruises, Bandaids hurt to wear when they are fresh on his skin

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Well at least he didn't fight back, if he did he would have gotten in trouble for that one. And he has been in a fight before hand, honestly you've been in a few fights before as a child since the big kids think it's funny to pick on you. Anyway, you had gotten to the lair and walked in no one was around. "I guess they are in the skate room."
He walked over and went in, and sure enough the guys are in there having fun and showing off their skills. "Hey, Guys!" You yelled cheerfully. They stopped and was just about to say hi when they all gasped and fell over. "Hey, Y-!? Oh my god!" Leo was the one to yell that and rushed over to you.

"What the heck happened!?" He yelled again and grabbed your shoulders, which you gasped at since it still hurt to even move your shoulders from hitting a wall

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"What the heck happened!?" He yelled again and grabbed your shoulders, which you gasped at since it still hurt to even move your shoulders from hitting a wall. "Donnie, hurry and patch him up!" Raph ordered and Donnie ran off to get stuff for your wounds. "Guys, it's okay am fine. Really." You say, pushing your H/C colored hair out of your face to see better. "Hehe, real funny Y/N. But you look like you've been ran over by a bus!" Leo yelled and rasied his arms in the air. "Now hurry up and sit!" He pushed you down much to your dismay. But it felt good to sit down.

"So tell me what happened?" Donnie came in, taking off one of the big Bandaids on your face and cringed while seeing it, the bruise on that cheek was a dark purple and had a bit of blood from a cut so it wasn't a pretty site to see. Raph and Leo looked so angry and Mikey was just sad, like a puppy got kicked. Well he did say you were sweet and cute like one, so no shock there. "I..uhh." You stuttered out. "Don't lie, I just wanna know what happen so I can rule out anything serious." Donnie said calmly. "And beat the living-" "Leo!" Donnie said to stop Leo from finishing his sentence. It made you a bit warm thinking that Leo cared so much. But this was your doing and another not his. "This guy at school was picking on a 7th grader and I stepped in to speak my mind and stop him. But he didn't like that very much, so he beat the day lights out of me." You said. They all looked mad now and you were nervous. "But, hey this was my fault. I stepped in and made it worse, I was only trying to help the kid and this was my fight no one else's. It's my fault for not fighting back." You quickly said. Leo came up to him and grabbed his collar and looked him dead in the eyes. "If you think this is your fault, your an idiot. All you did was protect someone, honestly if I was you I would beaten the day lights out of him! But you should never ever be hurt for standing up for someone. And especially not someone as awesome, kind, caring, and loving as you, Y/N."

Pure shock

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Pure shock....was all you felt. "He's right, Y/N. Your our friend, and as our friend seeing you hurt....hurts us." Raph said with a sadden expression, even Donnie had one. But he was better at hiding it. "Don't ever do that again!" Mikey gave you a hug and started crying. "Please don't hesitate to tell us anything." Donnie offered. "We care about you." Leo said lastly. After all these years....being alone to fight by yourself, you had friends who really cared. April would most likely be at school right now finding that guy and kicking his butt if word got around by now.

You hid your face and let the tears fall, enough with this tough guy act

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You hid your face and let the tears fall, enough with this tough guy act. "I'm....." Leo patted your head and gave you a hug next to Mikey. "Say no more N/N, We got ya now. I got you now." He said the last part quietly and you blushed a bit through the tears. Donnie and Raph soon joined in and they all let go. " Promise us you will tell us or text us earlier next time when your in trouble." Leo said. You nodded.

 You nodded

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"I Promise."


Bonus - ♡♢♡

"You don't have to follow me home, Leo." He said to the blue clad turtle. "Yeah but who knows if that guy or some else will be around. I wanna make sure you get home safe. Besides if you don't fight back, I will." You blushed at that but smiled but it was hard with the new bandages on your face. "Thanks Leo." He blushed this time and blinked. "Well, Leon Neon is always he to be your knight in shinning armor!" He recovered quickly and flexed, you laughed loudly. "April was lucky she didn't get in too much trouble for hunting (B/N) down and beating him up and chasing his friends around with that stick she has." You said. "Well, she sent me a photo of those guys running so I was pretty happy." He laughed checking his phone and looking at the photo.

You shook your head and stopped in front of your home. "Thanks again for all you've guys done for me." You said. "No problem, we are your friends after all. Luckily they didn't feel my wrath." He said nonchalantly and shrugged. "Yeah, my school would be talking about mutant frogs for weeks." You laughed. "Am hurt by that!" He yelled. You smiled and kissed his cheek. "Better?" You chuckled deeply. He touched were you kissed and blushed really hard. He whole face was red. He just nodded quickly since he didn't trust his voice right now. "See ya later, Leo." You waved and went in. Leo fell to his knees and smiled the biggest smiles and giggled. He couldn't help but fall so hard for you.

Hey guys, I typed this story all in one go. So I hope ya like and enjoy. Peace out! ♡♢♡
All Pictures and Art belong to their rightful owners!
Story by @rpghorror-san

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