Chapter 3 - boxers and exes = bexes

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When we pulled up to the arena where the boxing match was being held, it was crazy busy. There were people everywhere, mostly guys, but also a lot of girls. It was pretty clear the favourite was some guy called the 'Ravager', because I heard his name a whole lot. I kind of didn't want to accidentally look at anyone the wrong way, because a lot of the guys here looked pretty scary, so I just kept my head down and followed Ruby. We took our seats, which were in the middle ish, and just chatted before the match started. The other three girls who were there with us were all from the office, and were other assistants or secretaries. I was the only solicitor, but they liked me because I actually made time for them and talked to them as humans, and I didn't see the fact that I had a higher wage than them as an excuse to talk down to them, like so many other people in the office. The thing about being friends with these girls, is they get all of the office gossip, and I never really listen to gossip, so for a lot of their conversations I kind of politely tune out.

The lights dimmed down, and then the show lights started up, with the spotlights going all over the stadium. There was actually a ridiculous amount of people there; it was crazy. There was a load of music, and the guy who was named the 'Brick Wall' was introduced, and everyone was screaming, but there was also a lot of booing. He was wearing a black silk robe, with the hood pulled up, and he had black boxing gloves on. He walked down, past the crowds of people, with an entourage of scary guys, right into the ring. He ripped off his robe, and he was huge, he was ripped, and he was scary, with a number of scars all over his body.

Then they called out the guy who was named the 'Ravager'. There was no booing when he came out, only screaming, and the volume seamed to triple. He was wearing a red silk robe, also with the hood pulled up, with red boxing gloves on. Everyone tried to reach out to him as he walked past them, but he ignored them, his entourage following him, all with stone-cold looks on their faces. When the Ravager pulled off his robe, I wasn't at the right angle to see his face, but from the looks of his back he was completely ripped, and he had a couple of tattoos here and there.

It was quite funny because some of the tattoos looked like they were the same as my ex-boyfriends, but he went to become a professional boxer in Manchester, we were in London... surely not. There was no way he could be this guy, so I chalked it up to coincidence and watched as the match started.

The bell dinged and the fighting started. The 'Ravager' was clearly winning, and getting in a load more punches, being a lot faster than him, and clearly a lot lighter on his toes, whilst even though the Brick Wall was huge, he was also very slow. I was quite far away from the ring, so I couldn't really see the faces of the guys, but I couldn't help but notice the similarities between him and my ex-boyfriend... it was so weird.

After a couple more rounds, each being announced by a lady in a bikini holding up a sign that said a number, the Ravager threw a single hard punch straight into the Brick Wall, who got completely knocked out. The referee went over to the Ravager, and lifted his hand in the air, to indicate that he had won. Then it was announced over the speakers. "THE WINNER IS JORDAN 'RAVAGER' SHAW!"

Jordan Shaw. A name I would never forget. My ex-boyfriend.

Jordan Shaw was a professional boxer in London.

Jordan Shaw just knocked a guy out.

I just watched my ex-boyfriend knock a guy out, with his locket necklace still around my neck.

Jordan Shaw, the only man I have ever loved, the man I was so hung up on for so long, the man I compared every single relationship and date to since because nothing could ever be as good as he was to me, the man I lost my virginity to, the man who told me he loved me, the man who accused me of cheating on him when I didn't, the man who didn't trust me even though I showed him no reason not to, the man who dumped me, the man who dumped me and then had sex with a girl a couple months later, even though he told me he loved me, the man who I was about to go and try and patch things over with when I found out he was having sex with someone else.

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