Chapter 20 - beef

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(For context, in the UK having 'beef' with someone means you have a conflict with them).

"Noah!" I shouted from the front door. Tabs and I had been ready for about twenty minutes, stood by the door, just waiting for Noah, who was taking forever trying to fix his hair, choose the right outfit and the right aftershave, just to impress Kyle.

"Noah I'm sure you look gorgeous, we are so late now though!" Tabs shouted.

"Look bitches," started Noah, walking out of his room and towards us, "today I am getting myself a gorgeous Columbian boxer, and in order to do that, I need to look good, and it doesn't take five minutes to look this good," he gestured to his outfit. He was wearing a floral blue shirt, white with blue flowers, that had the top 4 buttons undone, revealing his tanned chest, matched with boat shoes, chinos and some aviator glasses. He carried a jacket in his hand, which he threw over his shoulder, making his large biceps bulge, and he strutted towards us.

"You look fit, now let's go," I said, grabbing his free arm and dragging him out of the house.

We parked up in front of the boys' house and got out, Tabs and I getting out normally, whilst Noah decided to do some dramatic, almost slow motion exit where he stepped out, put his jacket over his shoulder and his sunglasses on his face, and then walked over to us.

"What are you doing?" asked Tabs.

"It's called peacocking, I'm currently showing off my feathers, like a peacock would do, and hopefully I get to see Kyle's peacock soon," he winked at me.

"You are disgusting Noah," I lightly shoved him.

"Woah, don't crinkle the shirt, I only just ironed this baby," he stepped away from me. I rolled my eyes and followed Tabs into the house.

We were greeted at the door by Max and Dylan, who were both topless, but wearing aprons, Max's had a giant red kiss mark, and Dylan's had a print of a bikini on it.

"Nice tits Dylan," I said.

"Thanks, I got them done recently," he joked, grabbing both of his pecs, where the bikini top on the apron was.

"Your surgeon is amazing," I raised an eyebrow.

"Tell me about it boo," he winked.

"Stop flirting before Jordan comes running down here and rips your balls off Dildo," Max stated.

"He wouldn't do that," I laughed, nervously.

"Oh, you didn't see what he did to guys in high school who even mentioned your name, you saw maybe two fights, whilst I saw at least two a day," Max shook his head.

"What are you talking about?" Jordan asked, suddenly coming into the picture and walking over to us.

"Apparently you fought loads of guys back in high school for me?" I asked Jordan, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Oh, um, maybe," he looked nervous.

"You're such a beast," I shook my head in disbelief.

"Well if I'm a beast, you're beauty, and we both know what happens at the end of that story," he flirted with me.

"Oh really, well, I'm not familiar, do enlighten me," I flirted back.

"This is so damned cute, is anyone filming?" asked Dylan, to which Jordan punched him in the arm, hard.

"FIRE!" we heard someone shout from outside, so we all ran outside to see what was happening.

"Where's the fire you moron?" asked Max, looking over at Kyle and Ryan, who were both housemates of Jordan.

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