Chapter 24 - white flag?

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It had been a whole week since I find out the news, and since Tabs found out her own news. Jordan had been trying to contact me, but I asked him to respectively just give me some space, which he did, and I was glad of that. No one else knew about Tabs being pregnant except Noah and I; she still hadn't plucked up the courage yet to tell Oli, and was kind of avoiding him like the plague.

"Um, hi," I heard a voice behind me as I was walking from my work to the subway at the end of a long day, and extremely long week. I turned around to see it was Oli, tall Oli, not 'Smoli'. "Sorry I'm just springing up on you... is everything okay with Tabs? She's kind of avoiding me." He scratched his neck sheepishly. "I just... I really like her, and I don't know if I've done something, I keep thinking over everything I could've done to hurt her, but I just come up blank."

"She isn't upset with you, there's just a lot she needs to process right now. I'll talk to her tonight," I smiled reassuringly at him, and he smiled back at me.

When I got back into the apartment, Tabs wasn't there, neither was Noah. I quickly got out of my work clothes and into something a little bit more comfortable to spend my Friday night in, and put on the kettle. "Honey I'm home," Noah called out as he opened the door. He chucked his work bag onto the kitchen island and opened the fridge, grabbing some orange juice. "How can you even drink tea, it's just leafy water."

"How can you even call yourself English?" I could never understand why Noah hated hot drinks. I thought it might just be the temperature, but it seemed to be the flavours too.

"Well, tea isn't technically English if you want to get technical honey boo," he taunted me, sipping on his orange juice.

"You know what I meant!"

It wasn't long after until Tabs came through the door, looking pretty stressed. After she had got into something more comfortable too and joined us in the kitchen, I made her and myself both a cup of tea, which she took gratefully, and we all sat in the lounge. "Oli caught me today when I was leaving work," I started. This got both Tabs and Noah to snap their heads to me. I basically relayed what Oli had said to me to Tabs.

"God, I feel so bad. He thinks he's done something wrong. Well, I mean he did impregnate me, but still," Tabs mumbled. "I should tell him. I should tell him tonight."

"Do you want to invite him over? I can just go to a bar and Noah can go over to Kyle's or something, we can give you some privacy," I suggested.

"Really? That would be really nice yeah," Tabs smiled.

So, we did just that. I got into some jeans and a jumper and just headed out to a bar nearby. There were quite a few bars near where we lived, so I was pretty spoilt for choice. Deciding on one, I headed in and plonked myself in a seat at the bar. I ordered myself a martini, really needing some hard liquor right now so that I could drown out my sorrows.

"I'll have what she's having," a female voice said to me. I turned my head to look at who the voice belonged to. Dahlia? What was she doing here?

"Dahlia?" I asked, a confused look was most definitely on my face right now.

"I'm doing the same thing you are hun, drowning my sorrows." She took a seat next to me.

"Oh, because of Jordan?" I asked, but I basically knew the answer already. Even though you could ridicule her for the way she acted around me and around Jordan, and even though I would not personally act in such a way, there is some part of me that did feel bad for her because she had feelings for a guy she couldn't have, and that is not a nice situation to be in. I know exactly how she felt now, because I have feelings for a guy I can't have too.

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