Chapter 16 - never have I ever

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Our lips crashed against eachother. His lips were warm and soft, just like the last time we kissed. Our kiss was full of meaning, and full of memories, as well as passion. It felt like there hadn't been a four-year separation between the two of us, as we still remembered exactly how we used to kiss, the dances our tongues used to make, and our fights for dominance. "You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that," Jordan said breathlessly, "the amount of times I felt like driving to Cambridge and doing just that."

"Why didn't you?" I asked, also breathless.

"I didn't want to be rejected," he sighed.

I pulled him in for another kiss, pouring as much passion and meaning into it as I could, "you can kiss me whenever you'd like, I won't reject you," I smiled up at him, and he beamed down at me.

"Fuck, Avery, you're amazing."

"You're amazing too," I giggled at him. "Was there anything you actually wanted to talk about, or did you just want to kiss me?"

"Well, now that you ask, I have plans all week that include you in them."

"Oh really, what might they be," I flirted.

"Coffee on Monday, movie on Tuesday, after work, lunch Wednesday, drinks Thursday after work, dinner Friday," he cheekily smirked at me.

"You want me to clear my whole schedule for you?" I put my hands on my hips and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Avery, you and I both know you have no plans," he stated.

"You are so cocky," I laughed at him.

"You love it."

"I do." He pulled me in for another mind-blowing kiss.

After an insanely amazing make-out session with my ex, which sounds really weird when you say it like that, we headed back to the group around the fire pit. This time, Tabs and Noah were with the guys, and Grace was there too. Tabs and Grace looked like they were still ignoring eachother, as Grace stared daggers at Tabs, who was sitting on the lap of a guy I didn't know the name of.

There were a couple of other guys around, laughing and joking with the others, who I also didn't know the name of, as well as a couple of very pretty girls. "Jordy-boo, there you are," one of the girls with bleach blonde hair in beach waves, who was gorgeous, came over to Jordan, dragging him over to the firepit.

"Dahlia, I said there is nothing between us," Jordan pulled his arm out of her grasp.

"Is it her? This high school sweetheart that the tabloids keep talking about?"

"You knew that I didn't want to date you from the start, please don't make a scene," Jordan tried to reason with her, but she stormed off in a huff, as I went and took a seat in between Max and Dylan, who pulled up a chair for me.

"Ignore her Berry, that's just one of Jordan's flings who caught feelings, she's harmless really," Max informed me. I nodded my head, but I couldn't help but compare myself to the stick-thin, mostly leg, stunning woman that stood before me, and towering above me. Maybe I should have sorted out all of the baggage that comes along with Jordan before jumping into things with him, or at least ask him what baggage he did come with...

We spent the rest of the evening around the firepit, which was quite fun. I was introduced to all of the other guys and girls, the guys being Jordan's friends that he met through his job, be they boxers or trainers etc, some of the girls were trainers, some were female boxers, and some were just models. The two main ones that I came to know, who spoke the most and were clearly the closest with Jordan were Kyle, a boxer in a different weight division to Jordan, and Ryan, a personal trainer at the gym that Jordan works out at. The other one was Oli, the fighter, not Oli who was nicknamed 'Smoli'. They nicknamed 'boxer Oli' as 'big dick Oli', which really was not a nickname at all, but it's what they referred to him as. I, however, did not feel like calling this guy 'big dick Oli', so I just decided to call him 'tall Oli', because he did tower over basically everyone, including Jordan.

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