Chapter 35 - welcome

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The past week had been hectic. Jordan hadn't wanted to jinx anything by preparing for Zeke' arrival before we knew whether or not he was coming, and now we had a whole load of jobs to do. "What do 9-year-old boys even like?" Jordan pulled at his hair in the middle of this giant shopping centre we were in.

"I can tell you he wants a bed," Dylan, helpfully, added.

"We have a bed in the room," I shot a glare at him; I was fairly sure that bringing Dylan, Max and Dahlia was currently stressing Jordan out more than if they weren't there, but we couldn't exactly tell them to leave now.

"Right, we need to go into this one," Max led the way into a shop with video games, televisions, various different consoles and more.

"He needs a TV for his room," Dylan stated, "and the latest console, plus games."

"I already have that in the lounge," Jordan said.

"Okay but do you have all these games?" Max held some up.

"Fine, some new games, and a TV, but he does not need the console in his room," I took the box out of Max's hand and put it down. "If he asks for it though, we'll get it."

"What's next then?" Dahlia asked.

"I think just basics, toiletries and things, and sheets and towels, we will take him toy and clothes shopping later," I explained.

"Oo bed sheets, my favourite," Dylan said sarcastically.

"Stop being an arse," Jordan punched him in the stomach.

Pretty soon we were back at the house, just Jordan and I though. The decorators had been in whilst we were out, painting the new room and putting in some other furniture, like a desk, a bookshelf and some sofas.

"He's here tomorrow," Jordan said, mainly to himself, as he nursed the cup of tea in his hands, blowing on it every so often. "What if he doesn't like me?"

"What's not to like?" I asked, rhetorically, "I'm sure he'll love you, and if not we will work around it okay?"

"I'm scared, are you sure you're okay with this? I get if you'd want to leave or..."

"Baby," I got up and took a seat on his lap, so I was able to grab his face and make him look directly into my eyes, "I love you, I'm here to stay okay. We have a weirdly large, dysfunctional family already with all our friends, we are just adding more."

"I love you," he kissed me softly on the lips, which were slightly warmer because of the hot tea he had just been drinking. I took the tea out of his hands and took a sip.

"I burnt my tongue again," I teased, as my burning my tongue and him asking to kiss it better was the way we had our first kiss.

"Let me kiss it better for you," he smirked.


"Fuck, he's here," Jordan said as the doorbell rang, which he had been pretty much pacing outside of for most of the morning.

"Don't swear in front of him, or the lawyer," I rolled my eyes, going to open the door as Jordan would take way too long hyping himself up to do so. "Good morning," I said with a smile, "come on in."

Like some kind of switch had gone off, Jordan had gone from being anxious and insecure, to confident and cool, as a cucumber some may say. He charmed the lawyer, who seemed happy to leave us be, as all the previous checks had been done, and soon we were left with Zeke, who apparently only had one rucksack worth of stuff he wanted to bring with him.

"Hey little guy," Jordan smiled, "so... you like video games?"

"I guess," Zeke mumbled.

"Great," Jordan smiled, leading the way to the lounge, which was all decked out in various gadgets and gizmos.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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