Chapter 22 - boyfriends

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"I have something to tell you," I said to Tabs and Noah as I walked through the door the next day after work.

"I have something to tell you too," Tabs said.

"Um, I also have something to tell you," Noah added on the end.

"Okay rock paper scissors to see who first," I suggested, and I also won.

"Jordan asked me to be his girlfriend," I blurted out, "and I said yes." I grinned at the two of them who were grinning back at me.

"OH MY GOD I AM SO FUCKING HAPPY," exclaimed Noah, "Kyle owes me £40 now," he tossed back his imaginary hair.

"You're so annoying," I rolled my eyes at his silliness, "I better get a 25% cut of that, considering it is myrelationship that brought in that payday for you."

"Bitch, you're dating Jordan fucking Shaw, he has millions, he'll give you whatever the fuck you want, don't leech off my winnings," Noah argued.

"Oli asked me out," Tabs blurted after a bit of back and forth between Noah and myself.

"Holy fucking shitballs, what did you say?!" exclaimed Noah.

"I said yes," she squealed and we squealed with her.

"My news is similar to yours but different," Noah started, "Kyle asked me to be his boyfriend," he sat there with a huge smile on his face.

"Noah... I swear you only found out he was gay two days ago..." said Tabs.

"Bitch, you may need a couple weeks to see whether Oli is the one or whatever, I know, I don't need to wait or conform to your relationship time limits," Noah, said, completely seriously.

"Oh... I'm sorry I didn't-" Tabs began to apologise.

"I'm kidding! I mean, he did ask me out and we are dating and we had the best sex I've ever had in my life, but I ain't mad babes," Noah burst out laughing, grabbing Tabs into a huge hug.

We spent the rest of the evening telling the stories of what happened when each of our significant others asked us to be theirs, and it was really nice.


Over the next few weeks everything went smoothly. Noah and Kyle were basically inseparable ever since they started dating, either at our apartment or their house; they literally cannot get enough of eachother. Kyle is exactly what Noah wanted in a man, possessive, dominant, fit, at least that is what he tells me every morning when he is gushing over him, and I guess Noah is exactly what Kyle wants in a man too. They are even thinking of just going off somewhere, getting married and coming back. It was quite funny when, the other day, Raphael just turns up out of the blue, trying to have sex with Noah. Noah is a huge guy himself, completely ripped with muscles for days, and could fight Raphael with his eyes closed, but Noah absolutely loved when Kyle, who was super pissed about the situation, and also a boxer like Jordan, fought Raphael. Noah went completely giddy like a schoolgirl, saying that his man was "fighting for his honour". Part of me hopes that one day Jonty will try and waltz back into Noah's life, and Kyle will beat the crap out of him too.

Oli and Tabs are really sweet too, but they have a bit of a different dynamic. Oli is of course a boxer too, but he completely melts around Tabs, treating her like an absolute queen, which is so lovely to watch, and I am so happy for Tabs, who has never really had a boyfriend before, and has often found herself to be quite unlucky with guys, and girls. Speaking of her past lovers, she seemed, at least on the surface, to have made up with Grace, or at least Grace doesn't stare daggers at her anymore when she comes down in the mornings wearing Oli's shirt.

I do, however, get daggers thrown at me when I come down in the morning wearing Jordan's shirt, by the one and only Dahlia. She has been hanging around the boy's house a lot, trying to get with Jordan, and to get Jordan to dump me, which at this point is just getting irritating.

Jordan and I have been good too, going on various dates, I watch him at many of his boxing matches, and we have a lot of sex. Who knew after four years without sex I would be this damned horny? It's probably been about two/three months now since I first bumped into Jordan at one of his boxing matches, not even realising he was in London, let alone a crazy famous professional boxer. It has been a whirlwind for all of us, I have to admit, but I don't think I would change it for the world.

It is pretty weird though how Tabs, Noah and myself are all in relationships, and we all live together whilst our boyfriends all live together. I think it was Dylan who had said the other day that it felt a bit incestuous, and I think it was Kyle who proceeded to punch Dylan in the arm telling him to "shut up you're just lonely." I think Noah swooned again, and I remember him turning to look at me and mouthing to me 'he's fighting for my honour'. You would think that I would have to be a crazy lip reader to be able to interpret that, but the amount of times I have heard Noah say that and seen how he says it, it's basically imprinted onto my brain now.

I guess I do miss sometimes just hanging out the three of us, but we have tried to make sure we have at least one night a week when it is just the three of us, which is always good fun. I wish it was more sometimes, although just because we don't hang out just the three of us, doesn't mean when we are with our respective boyfriends we don't hang out, because we do, there is just always a lingering boyfriend around. Less so Jordan, because even though we are completely obsessed with eachother and trying to happily be with eachother, we also understand the need for personal space, and growth away from one's boyfriend.


Today was one of those 'flatmate-only' days, and Tabs and I had practically peeled Noah and Kyle away from eachother and thrown Kyle out of the front door in the morning. Only practically though, because the amount of muscle mass and weight combined in those two men was insane, and really, we wouldn't have had much of a chance at all.

It was a lovely day, and so we spent a lot of it outside in the park, sunbathing. After a quick lunch, we headed back to the apartment and watched some films, ending the day by all cooking together, which we always all enjoyed, as it was just something fun we could do together, and practical too.

"I can't believe we are all in relationships now," said Tabs, chopping up some carrots on one of the chopping boards, as I stirred the pot and Noah peeled the potatoes.

"I miss you guys though," I said, adding a little bit more salt to the pot, and a dash of pepper.

"We literally live with you," Noah rolled his eyes.

"But we never hang out much just the three of us," I shrugged my shoulders.

"I guess it's part of growing up," answered Tabs.

"I think the future will be funny, when we are all married with babies," Noah said, trying to lift my spirits a little.

"Oh, I'm not going to have a baby for a long time Noah," I stated, shaking my head.

"Ditto," added Tabs.

"You're no fun," huffed Noah. Babies. Wow, now that would be ridiculous!


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just a short one. more will be uploaded. 

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