Chapter 31 - chill

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They were in that meeting for hours, and it was already well into the late evening. Jordan had told be prior that it would be a long time, and to not wait up for him, but I decided I wanted to anyway, as did everyone else. We were all still at the boys' house.

"I can't be bothered to cook," announced Dylan, sitting back in his chair.

"Neither," sighed Max.

"Take-away?" offered Dahlia. Everyone agreed.

"Indian? Chinese? Pizza?" asked Kyle, whipping out his phone and looking at the different places.

"Ooo, there's a new pizzeria nearby, they do wood-fired pizzas, should be nice?" Noah suggested. Everyone seemed to agree, so we went around the table saying our order, and then Kyle paid, apparently it was his turn or something like that.

"Beers anyone?" asked Ryan, holding up a couple of bottles. There was a round of 'yes', and so he handed them out around the table.

I was never the biggest fan of beer, I preferred my alcohol a lot stronger, but I've always been handed a beer in this house, and politely have forced myself to drink it. It isn't too bad now though. I think you have to try something you don't like a couple of times until eventually you like it, it's some kind of psychology thing I guess.

A little while later into the night, we all went into the bigger living room, and decided to put on a film. "Lily, Smoli, you two love birds, you're on popcorn duty, I want all flavours, pronto. Maxine, Berry, you're on blankets and general sofa set up, it needs to be comfy! Grace, Tabs, big dick Oli, clear up the table. Dildo and Dahlia, films. I want good films, a selection, we will vote. Noah and I are on drinks, let's go go go!" Kyle stated, giving everyone a job. Pretty quickly all of that was done and we were sat on the sofas, voting on which film, out of five.

"Woman in Black, seriously?" asked Max, holding the DVD case up, looking at Dylan with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, then the ladies will cuddle up to us scared," Dylan shrugged his shoulders.

"Is that the way you got your first hug in primary school?" teased Dahlia.

"You're being way too nice to him, his first hug wasn't till university," joked Smoli, getting a few laughs.

Eventually, after a bit of bickering and teasing between the boys, we voted on with film to watch. The winner was 'Jaws', which I had seen a couple of times before, and was a fairly enjoyable film. I guess it still had some of the 'scare-factor', so Dylan could get his dream of cuddling Dahlia, as though they weren't going to do that anyway.

So, there we all were, snuggled up to eachother on one huge sofa, stuffing our faces with popcorn, watching Jaws. Then we watched 'Borat' after that, which was hilarious, as Jordan still wasn't back. After that, I think someone put on some film with fast cars in it, but I was half asleep by that point, and well on my way to completely dozing off.


I awoke when I felt myself being carried, only slightly. I could smell the familiar smell of my boyfriend, and I snuggled into it, feeling the vibrations of his soft chuckle at my actions. When we reached the bedroom, he pulled back the blanket with one hand and then put me in the bed, before pulling the blanket back over me. It was sweet, and I was so comfy, but I had to get up so I could brush my teeth. I met him in the bathroom, where the bright light burnt my eyes. He was sat on the stool in the bathroom, brushing his teeth. I brushed mine next to him, in a comfortable silence. When we finished, we went back to bed, after he had, of course, stripped and put on some pyjama shorts.

He pulled me in for a cuddle, and we lay like that for a bit. The sound of his breathing, and his comforting arms was slowly sending me to sleep. "I hope it went well," I mumbled into his chest.

"So far so good, but I think there are some rocky seas yet to come," he gently spoke back to me.

"Would you be sad if it wasn't yours?" I asked.

"Maybe a little, because I thought it was, and I had accepted that fact, plus, I've always wanted kids. But, selfishly I'd be kind of happy, because I could build an unproblematic family with you."

"I love you Jordan."

"I love you too Aves," he said, kissing me on the top of the head.


The next morning, I woke alone. I got up, put on a large jumper, and made my way down the stairs, where Jordan was cooking up something delicious. "Hey handsome," I said as I walked to him, hugging him from behind, my arms wrapped round his waist.

"Morning beautiful," he replied, turning round in my arms, lowering his face to give me a quick, and meaningful, kiss.

"Hello sexy ladies, what is cooking this morning?" Max announced his arrival, hopping up so he was sitting on one of the counters.

"Don't call me a woman," grumbled Jordan.

"Touchy subject?" Max teased. "Ooo," he got distracted by the bacon that Jordan was frying, going to pick one of the pieces up, only to have his hand smacked away by Jordan.

The rest of the group came down eventually, and made themselves some breakfast, or helped themselves to some of the leftover food that Jordan had made. I feel like calling these guys my family now, because they really do feel like family. Speaking of which, I am long overdue a phone call with my mum, I'll probably do that tonight at some point.

"I knew mum and dad were assholes, but I didn't think they were that bad," said Grace, walking into the kitchen.

"Don't call them mum and dad," snapped Jordan. I think he was in a semi bad mood this morning, but I don't blame him; a lot has happened in the last 24 hours that has shaken him quite a bit.

"Fine, Anne and Colin, they're assholes," Grace rolled her eyes.

"I've never met them, but they do sound like assholes," added Dahlia, quickly shushed by Dylan, who was sat next to her.

"I'm really sorry this is happening," I said to Jordan, still hugging him. His chin rested on the top of my head.

"It's not your fault babe," he replied.

"But still..."


"I can see you two are having a moment, so, I think I will be heading to the lounge, if anyone wants to join," announced Ryan. I heard some movements and then quiet.

"We'll get through this Jordan, I'm here for you, always, through thick and thin," I reassured him.

"I am so lucky to have you," he kissed me on the forehead, before turning around and flipping the bacon.

Everyone ended up doing their own thing. I think Tabs' day was going to be the most fun, because Oli had bought Tabs her dream house, so that they could actually move in together and be a proper family, and also it will give the baby some quiet space away from all of the rowdy boys, and girls. He had yet to decorate it fully, wanting her input, which she would give in truckloads, poor guy, but they were definitely starting a new chapter of their adventure.

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