Chapter 9 - pizza and paparazzi

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"So...?" I pumped my eyebrows up a couple of times at Tabs, who groaned and threw her head back against the sofa.

"I had a threesome," she regretfully admitted.

"Oh my God, you dirty bitch," I laughed, and she just groaned. "NOAH!" I shouted out to him.

"Don't shout please," Tabs continued to groan.

"What's going on?" Noah asked, running into the room.

"Tabs had a threesome last night, with Grace and some random," I couldn't hold back my laughter, and neither could Noah when I told him. Tabs, of course, threw a pillow at Noah, and whacked me with one, but we kept laughing.

"God, I haven't seen Grace in three years, and the second time I see her, we're fucking," Tabs threw her head into her hands.

"I wish that was Aves and Jord," Noah admitted, shoving me over on the sofa so that he could fit in next to me. I whacked him in the stomach.

"Shut up."

"You and Jordan did seem awfully close when I came in," Tabs decided to direct all attention off her and onto me. Thanks Tabs, really cool of you. Not.

"We were just catching up," I shrugged my shoulders, "it was nice."

"So, do you think you're gunna get back together?" Tabs asked.

"NO!" I shouted, "God, you two need to shut up about him. We are only just now starting to iron out some of the problems we had. It's been four years too, he might not even be the same person I dated."

"Um, no, no one can change. People can think they've 'changed', but no one actually changes. It's the facts of life," Noah explained.

"Well, it's still ridiculously fast, and I'm not ready for that yet, just calm down you guys."

"You were so cute together!"

"Yeah, but he did accuse me of cheating on him with Edward, when I begged him to listen to me and tell him there was an explanation, he didn't trust me, and then he dumped me. Then he had sex, or got head off, or both, with Hazel."

"That was four years ago!" complained Noah.

"Yeah, but I wouldn't want to get together with anyone who doesn't trust me. How do I know if he trusts me now, or if the same situation won't happen again?" I asked.

"I guess you're right," admitted Tabs.

"I always am," I said smugly.

After we had that little conversation, and Tabs made a load of bacon and eggs for breakfast, we started to tidy the room. Inevitably, it took us a while. There was a load of crap everywhere. I grabbed some bin bags and started to fill them with plastic cups and straws that were flung all over the house, whilst Tabs grabbed empty bottles and put them into a different bag for recycling. Noah was on table cleaning duty. Then we all swept and mopped and vacuumed. It seemed like forever, but we finally got the apartment back into its usual spotless state.

Once everything was clean, we all slumped onto the sofa again, and Noah flicked on some trashy TV. "Fuck cooking, I'm ordering pizza," I said, grabbing my phone. Everyone put in their orders, and I sent it off.

After a short while, I got a text saying that they were downstairs, so I threw a hoodie on over my top and headed to the elevator, going down to the lobby. What I didn't expect there to be was a ton of paparazzi, all with their cameras, flashing straight at me, being held off by the doorman Elvis. "Elvis, what's going on?" I asked, grabbing the pizzas off the guy and handing him some money.

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