Chapter 30 - all for money?

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It's been about a month since Jordan and I sat under the stars, and it has been a pretty busy month. Cleo is now seven months pregnant, and has been around Jordan's house a lot, much to his slight annoyance; she keeps flirting with him, trying to touch him, and he really isn't a fan of it, and neither am I. Jordan has been super busy with work, boxing matches, training and modelling shoots, as well as a couple of interviews, and even some auditions for a film; his agent has been clogging up his calendar. On weekend, I sometimes go to the different things with him, but during the week I have work, which for some reason has doubled in the amount of stuff I have to do recently, which is annoying.

Jordan's publicist has been busy now, and my name is barely in the tabloids, nor am I known as a 'homewrecker'. However, she has booked us into a photoshoot and interview all about the situation that is supposed to take place in a couple of days, which I am terrified about. I mean... modelling?! I have never modelled anything in my life. Of course, whenever I mention my anxiety about it to Jordan, he of course tells me how 'gorgeous' and 'stunning' I am, but still!

Jordan's parents keep trying to contact him and Grace too, and he has decided to hold them at arm's length for the time being, which is fair enough. Jordan has been trying, however, to get in contact with his half brother/cousin, Zeke, but his 'mum' has been blocking that off. I believe the last thing she said was "you can meet Zeke when I can meet your child", which did not go down well with Jordan at all, or Grace for that matter.

"What are you doing today babe?" Jordan asked, walking into the lounge of my apartment, where I was watching something on TV. I turned my head to look at him, and noticed the towel hanging low on his body, showing off his rippling muscles. He noticed me staring and gave me a cheeky smirk. "You're not very subtle," he chuckled.

"Can you model for me?" I asked. He laughed again, and struck a few poses; all very sexy.

"Stop objectifying my body now and answer me!"

"No plans," I answered.

"Good, get dressed, we are going for a walk," he smiled, turning round and going back into my room.

"Nice ass," I called after him. I just heard him laughing as he shut the door.


I was dressed in a cute summer dress, and my hair cascaded down my back, still drying after I had washed it earlier. I had on a light amount of makeup, and some trainers. Jordan's large hand held mine, every so often squeezing it as we ascended the hill. When we eventually reached the top, I had to stop for a second and take in what was in front of me. He had set up an entire picnic. There were two large blankets, side by side, and on top was a vast array of food, on different plates. There were cakes, cheese and pineapple sticks, sausages, little sandwiches, loads of fruit, breadsticks, and loads more. I didn't know how much he was expecting me to eat, this could feed a family of six! I guess, Jordan ate more than most, and I was starving.

"Jordan," I said, pulling his hand so that he would turn to face me. "You did all this?"

"Well, I got a little help," he smiled.

"I love you so much, thank you," I grinned at him.

"I love you too babe," he gave me a quick kiss, before pulling me over to the picnic.

After pouring some wine out for me, and holding a bunch of grapes above my face so I could eat them as though I was a Roman emperor, as I lay back on his lap, I decided that picnics and walks were my favourite kind of date. After feeding me a couple of grapes, he put them down and wrapped his arms around me, humming in contentment. The view was gorgeous too, green rolling hills, that went on and on and on, the patchwork nature of the different fields, the quaint little town in the valley, it was picturesque.

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