Chapter 5 - revelations

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After lunch, we sat around the sofa and drank some more wine, and I was actually starting to feel pretty tipsy, and I definitely needed to pee. I quickly sprung up and went into my bathroom, where I stumbled a bit before actually making it to the toilet. I finished up, washed my hands, and stumbled back out of the bedroom.

"Are you okay?" I heard Jordan ask me. Jordan Shaw was in my bedroom. Why was Jordan Shaw in my bedroom?

"Just a little tipsy," I admitted, stumbling again. With a few long strides, Jordan was right next to me, one hand on my waist and one on my shoulder to stabilise me.

"Avery," he said my name like it was torture for him, like it was the hardest word to say, like he was trying to talk after not being able to drink for four days after being lost in the desert.

"Yes Jordan?" I looked up at him, and our eyes locked. His intense, dark eyes, locked with my pale, sky blue eyes. I couldn't tell what emotions were behind his eyes; I was never good at that, but I knew they weren't full of anger, or hatred, which I guess was something.

"I love this dress on you," he admitted, fanning my face with his warm breath.

"Why did you have to say that?!" I playfully hit his arm.

"What did I say?" he looked confused.

"I love this dress, but now I have to hate it because you like it."

He burst out laughing, "there is no logic in that Aves. What, because I'm your ex-boyfriend I can't like a dress you wear?"

"Exactly!" I answered, and he burst out laughing again.

"Can we catch up this week, I mean, just the two of us. Not a date, just two old friends going for coffee," asked Jordan.

"Ummm," I started. I wasn't really sure what to say. Yes, I did want to speak to Jordan alone, I think, God, I don't know what to think. I knew it would be awkward though. "You broke my heart Jordan," I said, breaking my gaze away from his, and pushing his hands off me, walking over to my bed. I slowly sat down on the edge of my bed, and Jordan moved to come and sit by me, but left space between the two of us, which I appreciated.

"I was an idiot. It was the worst thing I did," Jordan spoke with a sad voice, looking down at the floor.

"Getting a blowjob off Hazel a couple months after you told me you loved me, or not trusting me at all and dumping me?" I asked, with the slightest bit of venom lacing my words. I hadn't yet had the chance to actually be angry about him for the blowjob and Hazel, not that I was technically allowed to be angry, because we weren't together, but still, it upset me a lot, and I was about to go to his house to start trying again with us, when Grace texted me not to come over, later telling me he was getting a blowjob off a girl called Hazel.

"Both, I regret them both a lot."

"I decided I wanted to go around to yours and sort everything out, move on and try and be together again, if it worked out, but then Grace told me not to go to yours because you were getting head."

Jordan snapped his head to look at me, and I turned my head to him, to see pain filling his eyes. "You wanted to get back together?" he asked, and I nodded my head. "Fuck sake," he half-yelled, standing up from the bed and grabbing my chair, flipping it over. "I've got to go," he said before turning on his heel and swiftly leaving the room.

When I headed back into the main room, where everyone was, they all looked at me with confusion over their faces. Jordan was nowhere to be seen, though Grace was still there. "What happened?" Grace asked.

"I just told him that when I was headed to your house four years ago, I wanted to get back together with him, but never made it because you told me he was getting head off that girl, Hazel," I explained to Grace, and everyone else in the room I guess, "he got annoyed, flipped a chair and said he needed to go."

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