Chapter 14 - memory lane

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It was Halloween during the week, but as it was a weekday, none of us really had time to celebrate. Then when it was Friday, and all of the clubs were doing special Halloween themed nights, we couldn't really be bothered to do anything. Instead, Noah, Tabs and I set up the lounge so that we could lie on the sofas with leg rests, got a load of fluffy blankets and junk food, I'm talking popcorn, pizzas, chocolate, ice cream, sweets, you name it, and we watched classic Halloween movies all night. Although we are a group that loves to party, and we adore a good group costume, we just weren't really feeling it on Friday. "We should go out tomorrow," Tabs mumbled, as we all were half-asleep on the sofa, cuddled up next to eachother.

"Why?" I groaned.

"Halloween is a specific night, we won't have many more Halloweens, but clubbing we can still do," explained Tabs. I mean, she had a point; we could go clubbing thirty times from this weekend, but might be too zonked out to do a Halloween again, although we still have a couple years left in us, I think it's just an excuse.

"We need a group costume," I mumbled, barely able to keep my eyes open.

"I'll sort that," Noah joined in on the conversation, I thought he was asleep. I guess when fashion is being talked about, he just has to be there.

"It's a plan." God, what had I gotten into?

The next morning my back killed, and the light that was coming through the large windows was killing me. Usually, I loved the natural light the huge windows gave our apartment, because it was so bright, especially with the soft tones, the marble countertops and the light woods, but right now, it was too much. The other two had clearly disappeared at some point during the night, so with my blanket wrapped around me like I was a burrito, I walked into my dark room, and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

What I love about Saturdays and Sundays is the fact that, usually, I can just sleep until I wake up naturally, and not to the beeping of my alarm. This Saturday was no different. I had no idea what time I woke up earlier, because I didn't look at the clock before I moved into my room and fell asleep again, but what I do know is that it is 11:46am right now, and I feel refreshed and ready to get up and seize the day, well, whatever is left of it.

Sliding my slippers and dressing gown on, I headed out to the kitchen, which was pretty empty. I decided that I was craving pancakes, probably because my period was coming up, I need to get some stuff for that. I grabbed the ingredients I needed and started to craft the batter. I'd wait a little while until someone was up before making the whole stack, but I was hungry, so I just made myself a quick one to sate my hunger for now.

It wasn't long before Tabs and Noah made it out of their rooms, and I was making pancakes for everyone. "You are the best Aves," Noah complimented, as he moaned into his pancake.

"I know," I grinned at him.

The boxing match was just after lunchtime, so the three of us, all dressed up, jumped into Tabs' Mercedes and headed over there. As we were 'guests of the boxer', we were allowed into a separate carpark, where we easily found a spot. Before I could get out of the car, Tabs locked the doors, and her and Noah turned around to face me. "Are you okay, being here?" Tabs asked, a serious look on her face.

"Yeah, I'm excited to see him fight to be honest," I answered them.

"Good, because we are going to do some serious matchmaking," Noah rubbed his hands together like he was an evil scientist or something.

"Please, no, I swear, just, no," I pleaded with them.

"The cogs are already set in motion," Tabs grinned at me. Fuck. What was I walking into now?

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