Chapter 12 - coffee non-date

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God, I hate my alarm clock. I rolled over and smashed the snooze button, just wanting five more minutes of glorious sleep. Five minutes later the alarm went off again, and even though I could do with another couple of hours, I knew I had to get up. I dragged myself out of bed and into the shower. Then I dragged myself to my wardrobe and picked out some work clothes to do, before dragging myself to the vanity to apply a light touch of makeup, before dragging myself to the kitchen for breakfast. As you can tell; today I was not in the mood, and everything was a damned drag. I carried out my usual routine and left the apartment with my travel mug of coffee in one hand, and a slice of toast in the other hand, with my bag slung over my shoulder.

After the two stops on the tube, I walked into the building I worked in, and took the elevator to my floor, meeting Ruby, one of the many secretaries. "Aves, I read that hunk that was at your party on Friday is your boyfriend now, why didn't you tell me?" Ruby said to me as soon as I walked up to her, not even a 'hi, how are you', just straight into gossip. It's been that exact way basically since I started here though, so I shouldn't expect anything different.

"We are not dating, don't believe what you read online, I repeat, we are not dating, you can spread that round the office floor, thank you," I grinned at her, before taking the files that she was handing to me.

"So, does that mean he's single? Can you give him my number please?" she asked, absolutely seriously.

"Well, I'm going for coffee with him tonight," she raised her eyebrows, "friends coffee, I repeat friend," I emphasised, "and he's picking me up, you can talk to him then."

"You say friends, I say lovers!" she said the last word way too loudly, causing us to get a few odd looks from other people around the office. "I won't tread on your toes, don't you worry," she winked at me, she actually winked at me.

"I promise, there is nothing going on."

"Alright, I believe you," she said with a large helping of sarcasm. I rolled my eyes at her and walked away.

Mondays are always hell, because everything that has piled up over the weekend I need to sort out and address. I had a couple of meetings, some with my colleagues and others with my clients, trying to make sure that there are no problems, and ironing out any if they occur. I started on a couple of contracts, set up a couple of trusts and began trying to settle a dispute between a couple who were getting a divorce and wanted advice regarding property.

By the time I finished I was absolutely zonked, and I really just wanted to go home and sleep, but I had made a commitment and I always honour them. I had texted Jordan the details previously and he was going to swing by and pick me up when I finished work, which was 6, in about fifteen minutes. I quickly finished off a couple of things, replied to the last few emails that I had and then packed all my stuff away.

When I went to the front desk, I saw Ruby, and almost every other girl in the office eyeing up Jordan, a load of girls, and guys, swarming round him and trying to take photos of him or with him, and Jordan just looking absolutely uncomfortable. When he met my eyes he smiled, and moved his head towards the door to indicate that he wanted to leave. I giggled slightly, laughing at his discomfort, and I shook my head and folded my arms, as he continued to deal with the crowd. He gave me a pleading look, and mouthed 'help', which made me giggle again. I nodded my head and called the elevator. He soon joined me, and we entered, with a whole load of giggling and flirting girls. It was so funny the way he dealt with them; he was so awkward. "Um, thank you, er, sorry, can you move your hand, um, okay," he mumbled, sending me a death glare whenever I laughed at him. Eventually we made it out of the elevator, and out of the building.

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