Chapter 25 - liar, liar pants on fire

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I walked into the kitchen the next day pretty late in the morning, to be greeted by my flatmates, and their boyfriends. Tabs was in Oli's shirt, very clear by the fact it was absolutely huge and drowned her. She was swinging her ass to the music that was coming through our surround sound speakers as she whisked up some pancake batter. Oli was not being subtle at all about ogling at her whilst sitting on one of the stools at the kitchen island. Kyle was in the process of pouring out water from the kettle into a load of mugs, and Noah was standing behind him, his arms wrapped around his waist and his head between his shoulder blades.

"Morning," I called out as I walked in. All four heads turned to me.

"You don't look hungover. Noah said you were getting pissed with Dahlia," Tabs spoke, still whisking the batter.

"Well, I slept a lot, took some painkillers, and I'm pretty good at putting on a brave face," I answered, taking a seat on one of the stools at the kitchen island. There was obviously a double meaning, because my boyfriend and the guy I imagined getting married and having kids with was having a child with someone else, and all I wanted to do was crawl into my bed and cry, but here I was, putting on a brave face. 

Everyone looked at me with pity in their eyes. "Please don't look at me like that, I'm fine," I stated.

I still haven't seen or spoken to Jordan since I found out that Cleo was pregnant with his baby, and I had absolutely no idea how he was holding up. I could see in Kyle and Oli's eyes that they wanted to talk to me about it, but I didn't want to speak to them or him, or anything about him. This is just how I cope with things, I push them away, so I don't actually have to deal with them, but I just forget about them.

"Avery, can we talk for a minute?" Kyle asked softly. I knew this was coming, I called it. I didn't realise it would be so soon though. I looked up at him, and saw that everyone's gaze was on me as we all sat around the dining table, finished off the pancakes. I sighed and nodded my head, pushing my chair out and getting up.

"I'm guessing you want to come too?" I looked over at Oli.

"We didn't want it to feel like we were ganging up on you..." he trailed off.

"Just come, get it over with," I walked to my room, and the two boys followed me, leaving Tabs and Noah in the dining room.

I plonked myself on my bed, and pulled the duvet over me, to keep me warm and comforted, for whatever conversation that was about to happen. Oli walked in after Kyle, and shut the door softly behind him. Kyle took the chair, the chair that Jordan flipped the first time he was in my room, all those weeks ago. I'm getting rid of that chair tomorrow. Oli perched himself on the chair of my vanity table.

"Jordan is a mess," Kyle said, ripping the band aid off. "He barely eats, he doesn't sleep, all he does is train and train, and pick fights with guys twice his size so they can annihilate him. One of us guys literally have to escort him everywhere to make sure he doesn't do something stupid. He's a wreck."

"There's not much I can do about that guys, we aren't together, he's having a baby with someone else. Yes, it might be selfish of me, but I can't be in a situation like that... I don't want to raise another woman's baby with the man who I wanted to raise my own babies with," I put my head in my hands and sobbed softly.

"It's not selfish, it's completely understandable, but you guys should talk though, at least, give him some closure, and get some for yourself. That's the least you can do for eachother," Oli suggested. I looked up at him. He was making sense. I did need to talk to him, I just didn't want to. I wanted to push it all away and pretend it didn't exist.

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