Chapter 7 - wild night out

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Our apartment was filled with people, some I knew, many I didn't know. Even Ruby and her friends were there. This was all Tabs' and Noah's doing, and I had absolutely no help in doing any of it whatsoever. To be honest, even if they told me about it. The amount that I would've actually been allowed to help probably would've been very small. I know Tabs more than I know myself, and she thinks a job cannot be done well unless she does it herself, and Noah just hates people telling him he's wrong. They are both extremely stubborn people, but it is part of their charm, and their stubbornness has actually ended up in a lot of good things for all of us.

I put some toast in the toaster and pushed the button down, then grabbed the butter and jam from the fridge. I offered the couple of people around me some toast, who all said no. Jordan, however, said yes, so I made him a slice too. Was it weird that Jordan and I were hanging out so much together? I wasn't sure. I didn't really think so, but I knew that all of my friends would definitely think we were fucking if it continued this way.

Honestly, I don't even know if my vagina would work after so many years without sex. Yes, I hadn't had sex with anyone since Jordan. I had been on dates, all of which obviously failed, and the few crappy boyfriends that I had were for like a couple of weeks max, and we never actually got to that part. It didn't help with the fact that Jordan Shaw had unknowingly ruined sex for me, in the sense that it would never be as passionate or loving as it was with him. I didn't want to have sex with someone I didn't love, and I wasn't sure if my heart had the ability to love anyone else. I really needed to get over this damned boy.

Leaving Jordan back in the kitchen area, surrounded by some of Tabs' work friends who were all asking for pictures, because I guessed he was kind of famous, I went straight to the area with the dining table, and found the strongest liquor that was on the table. Whiskey. Ew. Oh well. I took a long swig, then another. God, it tasted vile. "Salt, tequila, lime?" Tabs asked, slipping her arms around my waist from behind me and resting her head on my shoulder.

"Fuck. Yes." I grabbed a lime from the fruit bowl in the middle of the table, and called over to Noah, who was near the kitchen, to bring me a knife. I slowly cut the lime wedges, accidentally slicing my finger in the process, but luckily I didn't bleed on the limes, so it wasn't completely unhygienic. Tabs poured two shots of tequila, and sprinkled a bit of salt on my hand, whilst I sprinkled a bit of salt on hers.

"Go!" she said. We each licked the salt off our own hands, downed the tequila shot, and bit into the lime. It completely erased the taste of the tequila, and I loved that.

I went again, and again, till I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Maybe you should slow down," spoke Jordan in a serious voice. Who was he to suddenly waltz into my life and tell me how much alcohol I should be consuming? "I can handle my alcohol, thank you Mr Grumpypants," I was well aware that I was slurring all of my words, but I didn't care, drunk people slur their words, so what if I was drunk? I wanted to be drunk.

I pulled away from him, and went over to the kitchen area, where I tried to wash the knife, and ended up cutting myself again. "Fuck," I sighed, dropping the knife in the sink, and turning the tap off.

"You okay?" asked a guy's voice.

"Can you just fuck off already I'm not drunk," I snapped.

The boy, who was not Jordan, raised his hands in defence, "whoa, I'm sorry, I just wanted to help."

"Shit. Sorry, I thought you were someone else."

"It's cool. Whoa, you're bleeding, let me help you. Have you got a first aid kit?"

"The cupboard to the right of the fridge," I answered. He quickly got the kit and opened it, using an alcohol swab to wipe the blood away, and then put a plaster on each of the cuts on my finger.

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