Chapter 19 - catching up

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As I had been spending so much time over the last week with Jordan, I decided to spend Saturday with Tabs and Noah, as I had missed them, and they had both missed me. We caught up on the past week, and generally just chatted.

Noah's past week had been an interesting one. He was going to work, which he loved and booty calling Raphael at obscene times in the night. Yesterday Jonty turned up out of the blue outside our apartment block, begging Noah to take him back. Noah is very headstrong, and he knows that all Jonty ever does is come back, mess Noah's life up a bit, and leave, so Noah basically, in nicer words, told Jonty to fuck off. He did not take kindly to that, threw a huge fit, tried to fight Noah, and ended up having to be escorted away by the police. "Oh my God are you okay?" I asked, putting my hands up to my mouth and staring at Noah with wide eyes after he had finished telling me the story.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just wish he would actually just leave me alone and not come back," Noah shrugged his shoulders.

"One day you'll be rid of him for good, and until then, we will be here every step of the way," I smiled softly, taking his hand in mine.

Tabs' past week was also very interesting. After the Halloween party where she was all over 'Tall Oli/big dick Oli', she had been meeting up with him quite a lot. "Have you slept with him?" I asked. She didn't answer, but her face went bright red. "You have! Oh my God you little minx!" I playfully pushed her.

"He's really nice Aves, like really nice. There's a reason they call him big dick Oli as well," she cheekily grinned at me.

"Oh God, I did not need to know that!" I complained.

"Yeah, but I did, so how big are we talking?" asked Noah.

"Noah!" I slapped him with a pillow.

"Big," is all Tabs said.

"Do you see it as becoming anything more?" I asked.

"I'd like it to become something more, yeah," Tabs answered, hugging a pillow to her chest.

"Does he? Have you talked about it?"

"Yeah, he does. I think we want to give it more time, but it's going in the right direction." We both squealed like little children. Tabs literally doesn't have boyfriends. She goes on dates, she has flings, she has friends-with-benefits, but she has said in order to be her 'boyfriend' they have to be really special. If this is the guy she decides to actually date, that would be huge for her.

"What happened with you and Grace?" I asked, after we had spent a bit more time gushing about Jordan and tall Oli (who she has decided we would call Oli, and the other Oli we would call Smoli, like everyone else. God, this is getting confusing), and a bit of time talking about random crap with Noah.

"I knew you would ask me about this," sighed Tabs. "Okay, remember how we had a threesome?" I nodded my head. "Well, the other girl, Kiara, it was supposed to be just me and her going back. Then Grace joined and I was really drunk, so I didn't think too much of it, but it was kind of Kiara and me, and then Grace on the side a little. But, come on, I was drunk, I wasn't thinking about dividing my attention evenly, or analysing it, I was just horny! Anyway, Grace got pissed off in the morning, and even more pissed off when I went for dinner with Kiara. Grace told me she likes me again, but I just don't want a girlfriend right now, boyfriend is different, but I don't want to date a girl, and her and I argued all the time when we dated, and I told her that. She got annoyed, she told me I was flaunting boys and stuff in front of her to piss her off, which I literally wasn't she just happened to be there. It's just a mess," explained Tabs.

"God, clingy much," Noah said, after we sat in silence for a couple of minutes. We all burst out laughing, he really did know how to break a silence well.

"I don't know what to say Tabs, I mean, I can see where she is coming from, but she also seems a bit out of line... it's weird," I said.

"Very weird. Hopefully she can just get over it soon and all will be okay," Tabs shrugged her shoulders.

I talked to them next about my life, and about Jordan. They were literally squealing like little piglets crossed with primary school girls when I told them we might be getting back together. God, they really were obsessed!

We spent the evening eating takeaway Indian food and drinking fancy cocktails that Tabs made. She had taken a cocktail making course just before we started sixth form, and now after years and years of practice, she was basically professional. We started off with margaritas, then martinis, cosmopolitans and finally mojitos. They were all flat favourites, with a martini being my favourite. What can I say? I love hard liquor!

Whilst we sipped cocktails and ate our Indian food, we binge watched some stuff on the TV. This was just the perfect way to spend a Saturday night, good food, good friends, good entertainment. I really had struck gold in the friendship department, and now in the relationship department, although there still were a couple of conversations I had to have with Jordan, and a couple of things we had to iron out.

"So, I'm going to Oli's tomorrow, the boys are having a huge barbecue, and they invited us all if you guys want to come," Tabs informed us.

"Yeah let them know we'll all be there," said Noah, answering for me too, although I would have said yes anyway, and even if I didn't want to go, Tabs and Noah would have made me.

"I'm excited to see you and Oli together," I said.

"Yeah same," agreed Noah. "I think that Kyle is gay."

"You do?" Tabs asked.

"Yep, I really do. That boy is gorgeous, I would let him fuck me any day of the week."

"God, too much information," Tabs groaned.

"Says you, talking about Oli's 'big dick'," I smacked her with a pillow.

"Yeah, well, let's not forget the details you gave us all about your sexual experiences with Jordan back in high school," Noah teased me.

"Oh piss off," I smacked him with a pillow too.

"Okay but seriously, I have the biggest crush on Kyle, I need to find out whether he is gay or not, this could be life changing for me!" exclaimed Noah.

"Is there anything we can do?" asked Tabs, getting up and walking over to the kitchen, grabbing a bag of popcorn and bringing it back over.

"No, you would ruin everything," he said completely serious.

"Whatever honey," Tabs plonked herself back on the sofa, stuffing her face with the popcorn, smacking mine and Noah's hands whenever we would reach for it.


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