Chapter 34 - news time

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Today was the day where we would find out if we would be taking custody of Zeke, four months after we all sat in the lounge that one day and found out the truth, about Anne and Colin, Cleo and her baby, and Zeke's living conditions, or lack thereof.

"Morning," I said to Jordan, walking into our kitchen. He was sat on one of the bar stools at the island in the middle of the kitchen, his leg bobbing up and down, a habit of his when he is nervous, with his head in his hands, staring at his phone. "Jordan," I went over and kissed him on the cheek, as he was thinking too hard to hear me before.

"Hey," he turned and looked at me, giving me a quick kiss on the lips. "I'm scared," he said honestly.

"I know, I am too, but whatever it is we will get through it together," I held his hands reassuringly, and then he pulled me into his arms, so I was standing between his legs and his head was resting on the top of mine.

"I hope so," he mumbled, giving me a quick kiss on the top of my head before releasing me.

"I also called in reinforcements," I said smiling, opening the front door, revealing the whole gang who had come for the day.

The next half hour was everyone greeting eachother, and all of us making breakfast together. Kyle was on the fried eggs whilst Smoli took over the scrambled eggs, there was Ryan on the sausages, Max on the bacon, Oli was on the beans, Dylan and Dahlia were on the mushrooms and tomatos, I was on the hashbrowns, Jordan was on the tea and coffee, and Tabs and Lily were on the juices. I was so glad we got a kitchen with so many stove-tops. Finally, Grace laid the table, a worthy sacrifice. When I tell you there were more arguments over this one breakfast than there had been in the last week, I really mean it.

"Grace, you're laying the table so badly, you have the easiest job as well," grumbled Jordan, putting down the pot of coffee and rearranging the cutlery.

"I still don't understand why you did scrambled eggs," Dylan rolled his eyes.

"Scrambled eggs are iconic," Smoli defended himself.

"Iconically not part of a fry-up, yeah," Max laughed.

"Shut up bacon-boy," Smoli bit back.

"At least bacon is the key ingredient of a fry-up," Dylan said.

"At least I don't need my girlfriend to help me fry up some mushroom and tomatoes," Smoli rolled his eyes.

"You're the most whipped boy I've ever seen!" Kyle added to the conversation.

"Excuse me? Have you met Mr Jordan fucking Shaw?!" Smoli looked shocked.

"That's true," added Noah.

"Not my fault I have such a gorgeous girlfriend," Jordan winked at me, making me blush slightly.

"See what I mean?" Smoli gestured to the two of us. "I'm surprised Jordan hasn't taken over your oh so hard job of putting hashbrowns in the oven."

"Shut up and scramble your eggs," I laughed at him.

"What she said," Ryan added.

"Oh Ryan, on the sausage, of course, you looooove sausage," teased Max.

"Piss of Miss Maxine," said Ryan, pointing his fork at Max.

"You're gunna burn the beans!" Dahlia exclaimed to Oli, who was too busy laughing at what was going on.

"Oliiiiii," whined Smoli, "the fucking beans man!"

It went on like that for a while. Eventually all of the food was cooked and placed on the table, and we all dug in. I think that having everyone over, and arguing, helped ease Jordan's nerves a little bit, and distract him from everything else going on, but I knew that they could call us at any point in the day, so I had planned a whole day's worth of distracting activities. The next one was a game of football in the garden.

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