Chapter 32 - developments

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"Avery," Jordan spoke, coming out of the bathroom over to where I was sitting on one of the benches outside.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"I wanted to ask you this on the picnic, before I got that phone call, and I want to be completely honest with you, but I'd really like to move in with you, like, into a house that we can call our own," Jordan said.

"Oh, wow, is it not maybe a little early?"

"Probably, but I love you, I want to spend every night with you, and I wanted our own space."

"We can always do a bit of house hunting, and if the right one is there, then go for it?" I suggested.

"I like that idea," he smiled. "There is another thing though, but this development has in no way impacted me wanting to do this move... the lawyers think that me living in a stable home, perhaps with you, could perhaps cause the ruling to be in my favour. They don't want to send a kid from one unstable home to another you see?"

"I understand, let's just do a bit of house hunting and work it out as we go, I guess."

"What did I do to deserve you?" he asked rhetorically, pulling me close to him, and not letting go.


The next couple of days were mostly house hunting. Of course, I went to visit Tabs' new home with her, and she walked me through all of the different rooms, telling me what her vision for each one was. They were having to fast track a lot of it, so that it would be in a suitable shape for when the baby arrived, so it would not be perfect, but it would be enough for then, and then they can grow the house together as a family. She was extremely happy, and according to Oli, cried for about two hours, happy tears though.

A lot of Jordan's time was still spent sorting out all of the legal stuff and publicity stuff. I tried to not ask the hard questions, because I didn't want to add more pressure to what Jordan was dealing with, but often he would ask me little questions, tell me little things and let some steam off. I knew if I wanted to know more he would tell me, but for now it was best dealt with in the meeting rooms with all of the professionals. I mainly just knew the main points, and one of those was that Cleo had agreed to take a DNA test, after the threat of a lawsuit that would take her for everything she was worth. On top of that, the lawyers had also filed so that Jordan would get custody of Zeke. That meant the house hunting was going to have to speed up a little bit.

We had basically every good estate agent working with us to get the perfect house. It needed to be nearby to where I worked, as well as where Jordan trained and would go for runs, I wanted parks nearby and good schools, and a shop within walking distance. Other requirements were for it to have a gate, of course, and an extremely good security system. In terms of the house itself, we were flexible, but I think we both liked a lot of glass, woods, and an open plan kind of style, as well as a nice big garden.

It didn't seem like too much to ask for, but apparently it was, especially in London. Each one had something just wrong with it, and much to Jordan's dismay, who would have bought the first house he had been shown and gone with it, I still wasn't happy to settle.

Then, as if by some miracle, the perfect house, fitting the description, yet also have a number of other perfections to it came on the market. It came on the market early that morning, we were shown it pretty quickly after that, in the afternoon there was a slight bidding war, but we won.

"Avery," Jordan turned to me, finally getting off of the phone with the seller.

"Jordan," I was grinning at him.

"We have a house," he beamed down at me.

"We have a house!" I squealed. He ran over to me, although we weren't that far away from eachother, picked me up and span me around, repeating the words "We have a house," over and over again.

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