Chapter 28 - matchmaker

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"The bitch said what?!" exclaimed Dahlia, smacking her hand on the table so my cranberry margarita and hers spilt slightly.

"I was so confused, she's so sweet in front of Jordan," I sighed, picking up my drink and downing what was left of it, before anymore of Dahlia's outbursts wasted more of my drink.

Dahlia lifted her hand and gestured to the waitress to come over, ordering four tequila slammers when he did. "I'm going to need this," she said. We slammed the drinks on the table, as you should, and downed them. The tequila burnt my throat slightly, but it was good.

"I just want a phase in my life where things are normal, I know it'll never be easy, but fuck, why does it have to be this hard? At this point, I am basically an alcoholic, with the amount of times I have to drown out my sorrows," I explained to Dahlia, who completely understood.

"Well, I want to get pissed and get laid," said Dahlia, getting ready to do the next tequila slammer, and she did the one after than as well. "I think things will settle eventually, it's just going to be a lot of adjusting, and if you have to go to the courts, you have to go to the courts, Jordan will win, probably."

"I don't want him to win on a probably, I want it to be definitely, and I don't want to be the reason he doesn't see his child," I threw my head forwards and rested it on the table.

"You won't be the reason he doesn't see his child, it'll be that witch Cleo," snarled Dahlia.

"Let's forget about this for tonight hey?" I asked, brining my head up from the table. So we did. We forgot, just for tonight, because sometimes problems are better dealt with another day, sometimes all you need is a night to forget, even if in the morning it will all come crashing back and seem a hundred times worse, sometimes the one night where you have no idea of anything going on is worth it.


Tabs is about four months pregnant, Cleo is about 6 months, maybe slightly more, both of them have bumps that you can quite clearly see, although Cleo's is much bigger than Tabs', obviously. Today was about Tabs though, for it was her baby shower. Noah and I had organised the whole thing, it was kind of a surprise, although Tabs knew it was happening, however the decorations, who was going, the venue, everything like that was a complete surprise to her.

"Are you guys seriously not going to drink?" Tabs asked me, as we made our way to the car to drive to the venue, which was just a little cute hall that we had decorated.

"If you can't drink, we won't drink," I reassured her.

"You know you don't need to do that..." she answered.

"But we will, because we are the bestest of friends you could ever ask for, right Aves?" Noah said.

"Exactly right Noah," I agreed.

"You two are weird," chuckled Tabs.

We had decorated it all in a pastel theme, blues, pinks, yellows, lilacs. It was all very pretty, and the flower arrangements were beautiful, props to the florist who sorted all of that out! The music was pretty standard, it wasn't a raging party by any means, it was just a nice, chilled, gathering of friends to celebrate the growth of a baby inside my friend's belly. Not weird at all.

"This is so weird," said Dahlia, taking a seat next to me, holding one of the 'virgin cocktails' that were being served at the bar. "The only reason they call this a virgin cocktail and not just orange juice is so they can whack the price up ridiculously high. Look at them, preying on the pregnant people who can't drink, stealing their money. They should be ashamed." I just laughed in response to her.

"I think the boys are on their way," Noah said, looking up from his phone.

He wasn't wrong. Pretty quickly the boys entered through the doors, dressed extremely smartly, all looking very dapper actually.

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