Chapter 6 - birthdays and texts

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The next week flew by. It consisted of a lot of hard days at work, a couple of drinks after work with Ruby and the others, and a very tiring evening of shopping with Noah and Tabs. Shopping with the two of them was absolutely exhausting, because they were so indecisive, and also always had an opinion on what I was choosing, and if I liked it but they didn't, there wasn't a chance in hell I was buying it. Usually they were right though, because whenever I would go back to secretly get it, I would realise it isn't that special at all.

Anyway, that shopping trip had a purpose, and that purpose was outfits for Friday night, which also happened to be when we were going out for mine and Noah's birthday. Usually we try and have this big thing, a big party, or loads of us going out, but this time we decided we just wanted it to be the three of us, and it meant we would, probably, actually spend the night together.

I was actually the first to find an outfit, then Tabs, and finally Noah, who is the worst out of all of us, but he loves to flaunt the fact that he has a degree in Fashion so 'what he says goes, bitch', to quote him word for word.

Just as I was lying on my bed, in my towel, airdrying, with a scented candle lit and a good book in my hands, I heard my phone ping. I usually check when my phone pings just in case it is one of my clients needing an emergency solicitor or something, so I leant over and pulled it from the charger, then rolled to my original position and opened it.

Unknown: Hi, Grace gave me your number, I hope that's okay.

I could only guess it was Jordan, so I quickly messaged him back asking if it was Jordan, just to make sure.

Unknown: Shit, yeah, sorry.

I quickly changed his name in my contacts, and texted back.

Me: don't worry :)

Jordan: I'm sorry I stormed out... are you still up for meeting me for coffee?

Me: yeah sure, when oyu free?

- you*

Jordan: Still can't type I see :P

- Saturday morning?

Me: haha shutup

i will defnitly be hungover. can you do afternoon?

Jordan: Afternoon works. 5pm, Starbucks on the mainstreet?

- What are you doing Friday night to be hungover haha?

Me: mine and noah's bday outing, need I say more? see you then

Jordan: Good luck, you'll need it

- Looking forward to it x

I put my phone back on my bedside table, trying to ignore the stupid fluttering in my stomach. He sent you an 'x', that means fuckall, he probably sends 'x''s to so many people. Shut up. I also tried not to think about the fact he remembered I couldn't type, and my messages were often riddled with spelling errors and random unnecessary letters, or the playful nature of our texts. Friday couldn't come soon enough; I needed to get drunk.

On Friday I finished work slightly earlier, and headed home. It was a fairly short journey, which I was grateful of, because I didn't want to be on the tube much longer than I needed to. I briskly walked in through the door, smiled at the doorman Elvis, and headed upstairs.

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