Chapter 21 - showers, sex and shower sex

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I think at some point that night I had passed out on Jordan, and he must've carried me into a room, because I was laid on a comfortable bed, with a duvet tucked all around me. I opened my eyes fully and scanned the room. It was definitely Jordan's room, that's for sure, from his clothes on the floor, to some photos of him and his sister, to other professional photos of him in the ring. The real Jordan, however, was nowhere to be seen.

I dozed off back to sleep again for who knows how long, but this time when I woke up, I was hungry. I pushed the duvet off me and swung my legs around to get up from the best, noticing that I was still in my bikini and dress from last night, which smelt like chlorine, inf fact, everything smelt like chlorine. I needed a shower, badly, but I needed to find Jordan first. I was lucky it was a bank holiday today, because otherwise I would have been super late for work.

I headed towards the door and stepped outside. Once I got my bearings, I headed towards the kitchen, basically following the loud obnoxious laughter that was clearly coming from Noah's mouth. Inside the kitchen where all of the boys, as well as Noah, who was cuddled up to Kyle, laughing loudly at something someone had said, and Tabs, who was sat on Oli's lap. Jordan was there, stood by the stove flipping pancakes, and there was that bleach blonde girl from the Halloween party, Dahlia I think her name was, who was standing extremely close to Jordan.

"Can you make mine in the shape of a heart please?" Dahlia asked, placing her hand on his arm and stroking it slightly.

"Urmm," started Jordan awkwardly, turning around to look at some of the boys for help.

"If he didn't make mine in the shape of a heart, he definitely won't do it for you, I was the one spooning him all night," answered Smoli, giving Jordan a wink. Everyone burst out laughing, even Dahlia had a slight smile, but I think it was a sad smile too. As soon as she made eye contact with me though, that turned into a scowl, causing many people to follow her line of vision and realise I was there.

"Aves, come sit, the boys are making pancakes!" Noah exclaimed, gesturing for me to sit in the chair next to him.

"In a sec, I need a shower, do you guys have any towels I can borrow or something?" I asked the room.

"I think Jordan has some spare stuff," Dylan nudged Jordan, who's gaze hadn't left me since he realised I was in the room.

"Uhhh, yeah, follow me," he smiled, leaving the room, and I followed.

We went back upstairs to his room, where I had woken up before, and he rummaged through his cupboards to grab me a fresh towel.

"Do you want something to wear too?" he asked, chucking the towel at me.

"Yeah please, I smell of chlorine," I laughed lightly.

"Course," he smiled at me and walked over to his chest of drawers. "These probably won't fit... nope... way too big... I guess this'll do," he narrated himself as he examined various different short and tshirts. Eventually he decided on a tshirt that wasn't insanely big, some shorts with a drawstring, boxers (because I had literally no underwear) and a massive jumper, like absolutely massive, but it felt super warm and comfy. I thanked him and headed into the shower.

"Stay and chat?" I asked, to which he nodded. He sat on a chair in the bathroom and I went into the shower. The shape of the bathroom meant that he couldn't see me in the shower, but even so, I specifically angled the chair away.

"You know I've literally showered with you before," he chuckled at the effort I was going through so he didn't see me naked.

"Ugh, you're such a boy," I rolled my eyes at him. "Stay," I commanded.

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