Chapter 18 - jealousy

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Lunch on Wednesday was pretty normal, but fun still. I really wanted a coffee, but Jordan stuck strong to his principle of not allowing me to get one, so I had to have a red bull instead to get my caffeine fix. He insisted on paying for it, but he had already paid for Monday and Tuesday, so I did something sneaky. When he was sitting at the table, after we had finished, I excused myself to go to the bathroom, but instead of doing that I went up to the bar and asked to pay for our table's food. Jordan low-key got pissed at me, but not seriously, but still kind of seriously.

"What do you mean it's been paid for?" he looked at the waiter with complete and utter disbelief and shock, and then looked at me with anger, as I giggled at him. "Did you pay?" he asked me. I didn't answer with words, but the way I was reacting was answer enough for him. Jordan turned back to the waiter and asked if he would return my money so he could pay, which the waiter said no-can-do, which pissed him off even more.

"You are so annoying," Jordan finally said to me after walking most of the way to my office in silence, whilst he clenched and unclenched his hands.

"You are even more annoying," I retorted, to which he rolled his eyes. "This isn't like high school, I have a job, I am pretty well paid, and I want to be able to treat you too."

"Yeah but-"

"Jordan," I interrupted him, "if you want this to work you have got to make us equals, I want to pay for things."

He thought about it for a moment or two, clenching his jaw and looking away. "Fine," he finally said, although I could see the mental war he was having with himself. "But dinner on Friday is on me."

"Alright," I nodded my head. He grinned at me saying, "perfect." He gave me a peck on the lips and then headed off, and I went back inside to finish the day of work.


"You know if you wanted sex on the beach for free all you had to do was ask," Jordan whispered into my ear. I gulped, and shifted slightly in my position, relieved when the bar tender handed me my drink. I was horny and I was turned on, and Jordan knew what he was doing to me.

It was Thursday night, and it was the drinks after work day of Jordan's week long schedule of dates with me. He said he knew a cool place and took me there. It was indeed a cool place, with a very fresh sort of vibe. "Can I see what all the fuss is about?" he asked, gesturing to my drink. I nodded my head and pushed it towards him. "Damn, that's sweet," he looked slightly taken aback. "Not as sweet as you," he added with a wink.

"Jordan!" I lightly shoved him.

"What is a gorgeous woman like you doing here?" asked a man, walking over to me. I could feel Jordan tensing up beside me, God, this was awkward.

"She's actually with me, so fuck off," Jordan practically growled at this man. Surely you would think that would mean the man actually would 'fuck off', but he just laughed and continued.

"We should go out sometime, without this bozo here," the man gestured to Jordan. I could literally see steam coming from Jordan's ears, he was so angry.

"Sorry, but my girlfriend will be going nowhere with you, isn't that right?" he turned to look at me. I was trying really hard to contain my laughter, but it was hard because it was just so damn funny.

"Right," I said, afraid if I said any more words I actually would burst out laughing. The man sighed and handed me his business card still telling me to call him when I'm single. Jordan practically ripped the business card out of my hands and stuffed it in his pocket.

"Oh, I didn't realise you wanted his number that bad," I joked, but he was not in the mood for jokes right now. "That was the funniest thing ever."

"He is a prick," muttered Jordan.

"So, I didn't realise I was your girlfriend," I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Oh, I mean, um, would be cool, but maybe, I don't know, I mean if you want, unless you want to give it more time," he was really struggling with his words, and he looked so sweet and vulnerable and I just wanted to squish his cheeks, so that is exactly what I did. "Hey!" he complained.

"Sorry, couldn't help myself. Maybe we should give it another week, but if that week geos as good as this week does, then yeah, being your girlfriend would be pretty cool," I smiled at him.


The final date was dinner. Well, not the final date, I was hoping there would be quite a few more, but it was the final date he had planned for this week. Noah and Tabs dressed me up and did my hair and makeup, and Jordan picked me up. We were going to some fancy place that he had chosen, but I didn't really mind if it was fancy or not, I was just really looking forward to spending more time with him.

"I'm kind of pissed at myself for waiting so long to contact you," Jordan admitted, lowering his menu and taking my hand in his.

"I'm kind of pissed too at the fact I didn't try and contact you either," I answered.

"I guess we're here now, so at least that's something," he smiled. God, I was falling for this boy and his stupid smile more and more every day, he knew it, I knew it, and everyone else knew it.

"Welcome, can I get you anything sugar?" the waitress asked, heavily flirting with Jordan, and completely ignoring me. I guess it was my turn to get jealous now, although I'm really not a jealous person, so I just giggled to myself. She heard though, turned to me and asked, "is everything okay?" I kept giggling, and it made Jordan giggle too.

"Yeah, fine, can we have a bottle of pinot grigio," I asked.

"Whatever," the woman rolled her eyes, turning back to Jordan. She put her hand on his shoulder and squeezed it lightly.

"Can we get some tap water too, and a coffee for my girlfriend," Jordan asked, winking subtly at me, which made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The waitress rolled her eyes (again!) and stomped off. As soon as she left Jordan and I both burst out laughing.

"You're supposed to get really jealous and tell her to fuck off," whined Jordan jokily.

"I'll tell you to fuck off in a minute," I grinned at him. "I'm not possessive like you."

"I kinda love it," he smiled at me.

The rest of the date went pretty well, in fact, it went amazingly well, even though the waitress was rude to me and gave Jordan her phone number by the end of it. I was really enjoying the time I was spending with Jordan, and I was kind of shocked by it.

When he dropped me off back at my apartment, he kissed me goodnight, and the butterflies in my stomach were going wild. Everything was going so perfectly in my life right now, and I really hoped that fate wasn't about to throw me a curveball.


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