Chapter 15 - muskateers

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"What the fuck is this?" I asked, holding up an extremely skimpy outfit that Noah had just handed to me.

"Um, it's your costume," he looked at me as if I had just asked the stupidest question ever.

"How is this one of the three musketeers?" I asked. Noah's grand idea was to go as the three musketeers, considering we have been called that name many a time. I liked the idea when he told me in the car, but now looking at this outfit, I was fairly unconvinced.

"You'll look hot," Tabs answered the question, even though it didn't make sense.

"I'll look like a stripper," I raised an eyebrow at her.

"A hot stripper!" she grinned at me.

"Just put on the damned costume," Noah snapped at me, before smiling sweetly. I rolled my eyes at him and started to get changed, which was difficult because my wet hair was still wrapped up in a hair towel.

After I got changed, and the others did too, I blow dried my hair, and then curled it, slapping on a bit of makeup, with a pretty good winged eyeliner (I was proud of myself for being able to actually do it!), and some red lipstick. I looked at myself in the mirror, it was an interesting costume, that's for sure. It was a dress, that ended above the mid-thigh, barely below my butt, and it kind of hugged my curves, only slightly though. It had a frilly white skirt underneath a velvet, royal blue, overcoat kind of thing that was sewn into the dress. The neckline was like a love heart, and perfectly accentuated my boobs, showing off a damned lot of cleavage. There was also a thick black belt around my middle, and long high heeled black boots. It came with a royal blue hat, that was one of those with three corners, with white accents, and a plastic cutlass too.

"You look fit," Tabs said when I walked into the kitchen, who was wearing the exact same dress and accessories as I was.

"Yeah, both of your boobs look amazing in that dress," said Noah, who was wearing a male version of the outfit, with trousers instead, in black, a white shirt that he rolled up to show off his bulging biceps, with an overcoat of the same royal blue, and the same hat and cutlass that we had.

"You both look stunning too," I grinned at them.

"Why thank you kind lady," Noah dramatically bowed to me.

"You're welcome kind sir," I bowed at him back.

"You bitch, taking my man," Tabs said, raising her cutlass to me, so we had a mini-sword fight. Noah ran into the middle of it, stopping us both.

"Ladies, there is enough of me to go around," he grinned. We all burst out laughing, as Tabs and I each took one of Noah's arms, walking out of the apartment.

In the taxi, on the way to the venue, we not-so-sneakily drank from our respective hip flasks, that were hidden in our belts, swapping flasks every so often. I had pink gin in mine, which was the nicest, whilst Tabs had straight vodka, and Noah had whiskey. The taxi driver, surely, knew what we were doing, but he seemed pretty chill staring at our boobs in the rear-view mirror, so he let us carry on in peace.

"This place looks insane," I commented as we pulled up to the gates of a huge house that had a tonne of people lining up and walking in, all dressed up, with some really going all out.

"It is an A-list Halloween party... what did you expect?" asked Tabs, who too, looked mesmerised.

"Not this," Noah answered. We hopped out of the taxi, paying the guy, with a tip, who didn't even acknowledge me as I paid him, just stared right at my boobs without a care in the world. I already hate this costume.

As we had tickets, we didn't have to wait in the line, so we got them scanned and headed straight in, taking in the huge mansion that was before us. It was decorated head to toe in Halloween decorations, music was blasting, people were dancing on all the floors, and there were colourful lights, disco lights, strobe lights and spotlights everywhere. I was unsure of exactly how we would find two people in this huge crowd, like finding a needle in a haystack.

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