Chapter 10 - petty flat fights

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I woke up to the sound of arguing. Noah and Tabs arguing, which is a lot more common than uncommon. Luckily, their arguments are big, as they both have such loud voices, but they are over such minor things, so they are very short-lasting, and usually after about an hour or so they are absolutely fine again. I have no idea what they are arguing about right now, nor do I have the slightest wish to go and find out; I usually just leave them to it, because the last time I got involved... that was a mess. Never again.

Coming to the sad realisation that there was no way I would be able to get back to sleep, I begrudgingly kicked off the covers, groaned loudly, and literally rolled out of bed. Still decked in my pyjamas, and wiping sleep from my eyes, I plodded into the kitchen. "Avery, thank God, tell Noah I am right," Tabs turned to me, sending a glare to Noah.

"No way are you right, tell Tabs I'm right," Noah returned Tabs' glare.

"Nuh-uh, I am not getting involved, you're both adults, I just came to get coffee," I announced. They went back to arguing, and I completely tuned them out, which I am pretty good at now; I've had years of practice.

I flicked on the kettle and grabbed a mug from the cupboard above the kettle, filling it with a spoonful of instant coffee. At the same time, I grabbed a brioche and started munching. Once the kettle was boiled, I poured the water in, added just the right amount of milk, and walked back to my room.

I basically inhaled the coffee, willing the caffeine to kick in and to start to work its magic. Only then would I actually start getting ready for the day. As I was waiting for the caffeine to kick in, I quickly got in the shower, pressing the button to turn it on. I didn't have to turn any handles to change the temperature, because I had it set the exact way I wanted it to be. That's one thing about dating Jordan, I loved my showers to be steaming hot, but he loved a cold shower, so sometimes I would jump in and screech with how cold it was, and he would always jump when he got in and say it was like showering in molten lava. I guess in the grand scheme of things, having to change the temperature on the shower is really not a big deal though.

On a morning like today, I took my time with my shower. I shampooed, rinsed, repeated, and then I put in conditioner, using a comb to comb it through. Whilst I left that on, I shaved my armpits. I didn't need to shave my legs because they were still pretty clean-shaven from when I last did them. Unfortunately, either I am cursed or my razor is cursed because every single time I shave my legs, I manage to cut myself, and if you've ever cut yourself shaving, you would know that firstly, it bleeds a lot, and secondly it absolutely stings.

When I got out of the shower, the mirror had steamed up, so I wiped it down, and started to apply some facewash. I like to take good care of my skin, and so good quality skincare products, and makeup that won't cause my skin to react, is something I actually spend quite a bit of my money on.

"Aves, let's go!" I heard Tabs calling. I quickly dried myself off, and just threw on some jeans and a knit sweater, grabbed my purse and walked out to the main room. Tabs and Noah looked like they still weren't cool with eachother, but I just brushed it off, I was sure they would soon be okay. I grabbed my car keys from my purse, as I was driving, and we headed out the door. I actually loved driving, even if it was a long drive. I know some people hate it, but there is just something about putting on some good music and just driving somewhere.

"Shotgun!" called Noah, as we came into sight of the car, causing Tabs to grumble. I stuck my phone in the charger and put on my playlist, then we set off.

The drive to Charleston was about 2 and a half hours, which wasn't awful for a day trip, but it was the reason we were leaving so early. There were three towns that were quite close to eachother, Charleston, Hillsborough and Wexham. Basically, in Hillsborough there were two schools, the private school and the state school, which were literally opposite eachother. I went to the state school with Noah, Grace, Erin and Jordan, whilst Edward and Tabs, whose parents were filthy rich, went to the private school. Most people who went to the private school lived in Wexham, which had these huge crazy houses, whilst myself, and all my friends who went to my school lived in Charleston.

After about half of the driving was done, we pulled over to a service station and just went through the drive-thru Starbucks to get some drinks. We would've got food, but we were all meeting our respective parents for lunch, and we didn't want to spoil our appetite. Tabs and Noah still weren't really speaking to eachother, which really was odd; usually they would've made up by now. Even when their favourite song came on, they basically ignored it and stayed looking out of the window, acting completely indifferent to eachother.

Firstly, I dropped Tabs off at her house, giving her parents, Joe and Nicole Bradford, a quick wave. They were basically like a second set of parents to me, and always looked out for me. I made a mental note to organise a lunch where I would go and eat with them. I dropped Noah off at his house, and waved at his parents, who I knew pretty well, but not as well as Tabs because I just knew Tabs and her parents for a lot longer. Finally, I pulled up to my house.

"Hi honey," my mum said, hugging me tightly and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi mum," I answered hugging her back.

"Avey!" my dad called from the kitchen, using one of the two nicknames I was usually called. "How have you been?" he asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"I've been good thanks, how's things been here?"

"Oh, same old. Your mother joined a book club, those ladies and their damned gossip, I never hear the end of it. They always tell me to shave my beard too, and to get rid of my tats, you like my beard, don't you?" my huffed.

"Oh shut it Mark, I do wish you would shave that thing off it is like kissing a grizzly bear, although I do love your tats," my mum answered, giving him a quick peck.

"It is definitely a beard dad," I giggled. "When are the other two getting here?" Just as I asked that question, there was a ring of the doorbell. My mother went to answer, and I heard the familiar voices of my two sisters. We made our introductions and then sat at the dining room table, as my mum served up some delicious food. I have two sisters, Leah and Amy. Leah is a year younger than me, and she is in her last year of university, studying pharmacy. Amy is two years younger than me, but she is on a gap year at the moment, living at home, but she's just come back from a bit of travelling around Europe, and Leah went to collect her from the airport before coming here.


1282 words 


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