Christmas hoildays

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After the Yule ball is done. Lizzie heads back to the burrow to spend Christmas with the Weasleys; whereas, Chloe heads to the Malfoy Manor to spend Christmas with Draco & his family. However the girls promised to call their families on Christmas Day and then after new year just before school the boys are going to meet the girls families. Which the girls will tell the good news about them being accepted at Hogwarts.

"I'm worried. What if they don't like me babe?" Chloe asks as she grips Draco's hand as they are on the Hogwarts express on the way to kings cross station to meet his parents. "Relax babe. They'll love you. After all it was dad's idea in the first place for us to talk wasn't it?" Draco says.
"You're right. But what about your mum?" Chloe asks.
"She's happy that I'm happy. I'm very happy." Draco says as he kisses you softly as he squeezes Chloe's hand in reassurance of Chloe's worries.

Meanwhile, opposite them are Fred, Lizzie & Ginny who will be meeting Mr Weasley to take them back to the burrow. "Relax sis, Draco's right. Promise to write to me?" Lizzie asks.
"I promise." Chloe says.

The train comes to a stop as students diverse out of the carriages and onto to the platform. "Have a nice Christmas you two." Fred says.
"Thanks Fred, hope you all enjoy it too." Chloe says as she hugs Lizzie & Ginny and waves Fred off before her and Draco head out on the platform to meet his parents.

"Draco!" Narcissa says.
"Mum." Draco says as he guides you and himself towards them. "Mum, Dad. This is Chloe, my girlfriend." Draco says as he is still holding your hand in his. "Nice to meet you, Mr & Mrs Malfoy." Chloe says as she offers her spare hand to shake theirs. "And you." Narcissa says as she shakes Chloe's hand. "Welcome to the family, Chloe." Lucius says as he shakes Chloe's hand. As they then all put the hands in to teleport to the manor.

"That was amazing." Chloe says.
"There's other ways to travel but we mostly use teleportation." Draco says.
"Right, Draco will you please show your girlfriend around the house whilst me and your father make dinner." Narcissa says. "Ok mum." Draco says as he takes your things up the stairs. "Follow me." He adds. After he showed Chloe all of the house. "So you can have one of the spare rooms or you can stay with me. I don't mind. Just I need to put your bags somewhere that's all." Draco says.

I'll bunk with you." Chloe says as a smirk comes across Draco's face as he takes your things into his room. "You stay here, feel free to look around. I'm just going to grab my things then I'll be back ok." Draco says.
"Ok." Chloe says as she smiles at Draco as he kisses her forehead before leaving the room.

Meanwhile, at the Burrow. The Weasleys & Lizzie are all set ready for dinner. "Lizzie my dear, those things you sent me are fantastic. Please send more stuff like that?" Arthur asks.
"I will. I'm glad you love them as it's mostly just junk to us." Lizzie says.
"Junk? I'll happily take it from you. It's all quite fascinating." Arthur says.
"If you say so hunny. Now everyone lets eat!" Molly says before waving her wand as the table is filled with a selection of foods. "This is fantastic." Lizzie says. "Well thank you dear." Molly says. "You don't have to stuff your face, whatever is left we have the next night." Ginny says.
"That sounds great." Lizzie says as she helps herself to some potatoes and some sausages.

Back at the manor. Chloe is admiring the view out of Draco's window as she feels a tug on her skirt. "Babyy." Chloe whispers. "I'm not a baby, I'm a house elf." A voice says. Chloe immediately jumps and screams. "I'm sorry dear, I didn't mean to startle you." The voice says again. Draco runs up the stairs, clearly out of breath. "What's wrong?" He pants. "Nothing master. I just may of startled the girl." Dobby says.
"What have I told you about being in my room!" Draco shouts.
"Hey, I'm fine. Don't shout at him. I just thought it was you that's all. So you must be Dobby." Chloe says.
"Yes, nice to meet you my lady." Dobby says as he kisses your hand.

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