Fred- 2

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Fred was looking through some of his new books for the new year as his owl flies in his window and drops a letter on his bed before perching itself on his drawers. Fred immediately opens up the letter and reads it to himself.

Dear Fred,

Yes, we can become friends. And wow that's a big family. Omg you have a twin that's great I like to say that me and my best friend Chloe are twins but not identical. I'm older too but not by long. 6 siblings wow, only one girl bless her for having to be with so many boys. I'm sure you all with protect her though, so how is Hogwarts?

Stay safe and well


As puts the letter down and grabs some parchment and a pot of ink and a quill & begins writing his response letter to Lizzie. He then seals with the red wax seal before handing the envelope to his owl as it then flies out of the window into the far skies.

"Who's Lizzie?" George asks looking at her letter to Fred. "Just a friend." Fred replies. "Who's a girl..." George asks.
"Yes, she's a girl but we are friends and that's all." Fred says.
"For now, you mean?" George asks.
"What do you mean?" Fred asks.
"I'm saying one day you may be more than friends." George says.

"Maybe, who knows." Fred says.
"So you like her then?" George says.
"We haven't known each other long." Fred says. "It's only been a few days." Fred adds. "That's enough time to realise if you like someone bro." George says. "It's too soon bro, I've only known her for a few days." Fred says.

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