Pansy's Revenge

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Pansy arrives at the common room and sneaks into the boys dorm where Draco is fast asleep as she sneaks out one of the letters so she can write to Chloe.

Dear Chloe,

I'm so excited to hopefully see you tomorrow. I'm sure you will look beautiful in whatever you end up wearing. I'm so happy we are finally breaking the distance. I can't wait to introduce you to my friends.

I've got my suit all ready just waiting for my princess to join me. Meet me at entrance of the ball at 7:30 sharp. Dobby will meet you on grounds and bring you to me, so you won't get lost.

Love you Draco xx

Before handing it to Draco's owl and sending it off. Before quickly returning the letter where it was to make it look untouched and heads to bed.

Meanwhile at the burrow, Chloe & Lizzie are getting ready for bed ready for tomorrow. They are interrupted by a tap on Fred's window. "I'll get it." Lizzie says as she goes over and opens the window as the owl drops the letter before flying off. "That wasn't Fred's owl." Lizzie says.

"It's Draco's. But how did it know to come here?"Chloe asks.
"Doesn't matter, anyways open it up." Lizzie says. Chloe does as her friend says and reads it out to Lizzie. "He said to meet him at 7:30 sharp at the entrance ball and Dobby his house elf will meet me on the grounds and bring me to him." Chloe says.

"That's great. Oh how sweet he is. He proper loves you." Lizzie says. Chloe blushes as she responds, "I love him too." As she blushes again.

The next day, Mrs Weasley makes the girls a big breakfast to fill them up for the day. "Thank you, Mrs Weasley." Chloe says as she wipes her mouth with a napkin. "Anytime sweetie, you are welcome here. Any friend of Lizzie is a friend of ours." Mrs Weasley says.

A few hours pass and the girls get into dresses before heading out to the car to head off Hogwarts. "You both look beautiful." Mrs Weasley says.
"I'm sure the lucky boy who's taking you to the ball will love your look Chloe." Mrs Weasley says.
"Thank you Mrs Weasley, I hope so too." Chloe says before heading into the car and waving them off as Mr Weasley sets off to Hogwarts.

Chloe's dress:

Lizzie's dress

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Lizzie's dress

Lizzie's dress

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