Fred- 5

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The remaining weeks of the holiday they had left before school, Lizzie and Fred wrote to each other daily alongside writing to Ginny too. Also within that time, Lizzie has looked through some of her stuff that she doesn't use anymore and sent them over to Fred's dad. Arthur seems to love all the stuff that Lizzie has gave to him so far and is fascinated by it all.

After the holidays have passed, Fred is preparing for his fifth year at Hogwarts alongside George. Of course Molly has got emotional over it all and had some tears over her baby boys growing up so quick. Once all the Weasleys are prepared for their new year at Hogwarts, before you know it they are at the station being waved off by their mum and dad and are off to start their new year at Hogwarts.

After some weeks into the new term at Hogwarts, Fred & Ginny write to Lizzie telling them about their year so far.

Dear Lizzie,

I heard from Ron, that Harry literally walked out on his aunt and uncle and the knight bus got him and brought him to the leaky cauldron where he met us and stayed there for a bit. But I overheard a conversation I probably shouldn't of, there's a killer on the loose. Goes by the name of Sirius Black apparently. I did my research about him and as I said he got locked in Azkaban for killing someone; he was apparently a big supporter of you know who?

Then I overheard my dad telling to be safe as Black is apparently after Harry. Then Ron told me that on the way to Hogwarts, Harry got attacked by a dementor. They are the guards of Azkaban, they were looking for Black. Apparently luckily there was a professor in their stall who saved Harry, otherwise Harry may of died.

Also I'm so happy for Hagrid he's now the new care of magical creatures teacher. Then Dumbeldore says we have dementors protecting us at all entrances to the castle to try and capture Sirius Black. Ron said his first divination lesson was eventful. That's just professor Trelawney for you tho, she's always been a bit crackers. He said he was creeped out as Harry got the grim in his cup which is the omen of death which spooked us all when Harry told us all.

However we all had quite a laugh when Ron filled us in on Malfoy's incident in care of magical creatures. You have to be careful with the creatures otherwise they will attack. What a drama Queen Malfoy was, saying it killed me, surely not as you wouldn't be speaking idiot. Then Harry filled us in on his ride of Buckbeck over the black lake and through the forbidden forest.

Then to add to everything, Black was spotted in a town nearby by Hogwarts. Then Ron said he didn't like his first defence against the dark of arts, as they were working with boggarts and his was of course a giant spider. Then Harry couldn't go to Hogsmeade as he didn't have a permission slip.

Then apparently Black's in the castle as he scared the fat lady out of her portrait. Then the next day Snape took their defence against the dark arts class and was teaching them something totally different to what they were already learning. Then Harry got attacked during quidditch by a dementor again and fell over 100 feet, but luckily Dumbeldore caught him by using a spell so he didn't hurt himself. But his broomstick went into the whomping willow so now we have a seeker with no broom.

But then me and George gave Harry a map that we stole from Filch's office back in first year. It's a map of Hogwarts and all the secret passageways, as we were helping him get to Hogsmeade. As originally Harry was just going to take his invisibility cloak that Ron told us about.

Then apparently Harry gave Malfoy and his mates quite a scare as they were pestering Ron & Hermione. Which of course Granger said that he should turn in along with the cloak.

Which Harry overheard a conversation between Mcgonagall, Fudge & Rosmerta talking about Black and how he knew about where the Potters were whilst they went into hiding from you know who. So we think he told you know who about the Potters whereabouts and the rest is history. Black also apparently killed a friend of his and Harry's parents by the name of Peter Pettigrew, as Peter was trying to warn the Potters about Black's intentions but was too late. However he didn't kill Peter, as all that is left of him is a single finger of him. Then here comes the big bombshell Black is Harry's godfather.

That's all I know for now. Will write back soon. Love you

Fred xx

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