Chloe- 1

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It's just been Chloe's 11th birthday and she is hoping that she receives a letter that she has been accepted to her dream school, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It's been her dream to go to the school ever since she was introduced to the world of magic through seeing a scene in school once which then led to the obsession.

Chloe, is one of the believers that believe Hogwarts is a real place and people can go there. After all Hermione Granger was a muggle born and she got accepted so if she can, anybody could right?

Her fellow best friend Lizzie is also Harry Potter obsessed. She loves Fred Weasley who is one of the Weasley twins who are in Gryffindor house at Hogwarts. However I love Draco Malfoy, known as Malfoy who is in Slytherin house at Hogwarts.

However, unfortunately for us out letters didn't come and we have to go to any other normal secondary school in September rather than Hogwarts. Which we know we belong too.

As me & Lizzie go shopping together with our families for school we try on our uniforms. This is our uniforms:

After all the school shopping, we all decided to go back home

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After all the school shopping, we all decided to go back home. As I walked in I was greeted by a letter addressed to me with a red wax seal, I Immediately run up to my room and put my uniform away for nearer the time to be washed before my first day.

I open the letter to be greeted by a off yellow almost coffee stained look of paper that was addressed to me. I begin to read it in my head.

Dear ?,

If you are getting this letter then my plan worked, hopefully my owl managed to get the letter to you.  I don't know who you are however I have been given your address by someone very dear to me. I hope to hear from you soon.

Stay safe and well


As I finish reading the letter, I question who this letter could be from. How did they know it was addressed to me without knowing my name? All I get is D.M what could that mean? Could it be a clue towards something? I wonder....

As I look again I realise they have left a address, as I read the address I can't help but think that I've heard of that place before, perhaps in a dream. I grab a pen and start writing the address on the envelope before then grabbing a piece of lined paper and beginning to write my response to this mystery person.

After finishing my letter after several attempts, I finally done it and sealed it away before then calling Lizzie.

Chloe: you won't believe what I got to tell you...
Lizzie: Ehm, hi, how are you? Oh I'm good thanks...
Chloe: sorry I'm just excited. How are you?
Lizzie: I'm ok you?
Chloe: ecstatic, I've got a letter addressed to me earlier I don't know who by, all I know is D.M
Lizzie: ohh exciting but also creepy... have you told your parents?

Chloe: no not yet, but the letter looked somewhat familiar like something from a dream.
Lizzie: what do you mean?
Chloe: it has been sealed with red wax.
Lizzie: you mean? You are thinking it could be from Hogwarts.
Chloe: yeah... I know I sound crazy right but the paper was also like a off coffee stained colour which is what the parchment looks like.
Lizzie: you're right. But how did whoever it is, get your address?
Chloe: I don't know, they said they were given it by someone very dear to them.
Lizzie: odd
Chloe: I know.
Lizzie: so what you going to do?
Chloe: well I responded to the person and I guess if I say I'm meeting you and then I could post it.
Lizzie: ok, see you soon bye
Chloe: bye
*call ends.*

Chloe: mum.... I'm going to meet Lizzie and hang out on the doorstep ok?
Chloe's mum: Ok hunny, tea is on.
Chloe: ok. *puts the letters down the side of her pants poking out then covering them with her top before heading downstairs to meet Lizzie at the doorstep.

Chloe: hey, *closes the front door and checks no one is listening.* so this is the letter I received. *gets the letter out that she was given earlier to Lizzie to read.*
Lizzie: *takes it from me and reads it.* I see. It doesn't make sense that they don't know who you are yet they are writing to you.
Chloe: I know. *confused.* but look it says there *points to the letter.* hopefully my owl managed to get the letter to you. Why would they say that if they weren't from Hogwarts. No one is uses owls to transport mail other than Hogwarts.
Lizzie: true. Do you think maybe this is a sign that you know you are meant to be with them?

Chloe: I don't know, I would like that though. Anyways I'm going to post this and then I have to go in for tea but talk later ok. *goes over to the postbox and is about to post the letter before a owl snatches the envelope out of my hand and flies off into the night with it.* Did you see that?
Lizzie: *in shock.* yes. Now this has to be true.
Chloe: who knows, see if I get a reply I guess.... Anyways my tea is ready so I better be going. Talk later ok bye.
Lizzie: bye. *walks back to her home which is across the street.*

As Lizzie heads back home she is greeted by a letter addressed to her. She immediately picks it up before turning it over to reveal a red wax seal. She immediately heads up to her room to open the letter.

Dear ?,

If you are getting this letter then my owl managed to get the letter to you.  I don't know who you are however I have been given your address by someone very precious to me. I hope to hear from you soon.

Stay safe and well


Lizzie immediately textsChloe saying that she's got a letter by a mystery person too. After a few minutes Chloe calls Lizzie.
Chloe: sorry I was just finishing tea. I got your text.
Lizzie: it's exactly like yours instead by someone different. Mine says F.W.
Chloe: *suspicious.* this is really weird in the matter of hours we have both received a funny looking letter for what seems like is from Hogwarts. You don't think it's an invitation do you?

Lizzie: no... if they wanted us we would get a acceptance letter surely right?
Chloe: Yh... also we don't know any professors that have those initials.
Lizzie: true perhaps it's a student?
Chloe: you think someone in their world knows about us and has got in contact with these 2 wizards or witches to contact us?

Lizzie: maybe, but it's impossible as it's a different world to ours. How could this be?
Chloe: magic? So what you going to do?
Lizzie: I guess I'm going to do what you did. Write back and post it and see if it get response.

Chloe: you don't think this could be one of our favourite characters reaching out to us right?
Lizzie: of course not, why would they want to talk to us and also how would anyone they know have our addresses.
Chloe: true, stupid thought really. Anyways I better be going as I'm not supposed to be on my phone after tea.
Lizzie: oh ok bye.
Chloe: bye.
*call ends.*.

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