Fred- 1

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Fred was heading into Diagon Alley with his family in order to get his school supplies for the following year of him and his twin George going into their third year at Hogwarts.

After a long day in Diagon Alley as Fred, George, Percy & Ron all had to get robes ready for the school year. It's Percy's first year of being a Gryffindor Prefect after completing his years at Hogwarts he graduated and was asked to return to become a Gryffindor prefect which of course he accepted.

After they all head back to the Burrow Fred is greeted by a letter at his door which he immediately picks up before heading into his room and begins to open it up and read it.

Dear F.W,

Hi, I don't know who you are but you seem nice. I have been keeping safe and well thank you and I hope you have too. By the way I'm Lizzie, I'm nervous as the day inches closer to starting a new school. How are things for you?

Stay safe and well


As Fred puts the letter down on his bed, "she wrote back." He then grabs some parchment and a ink pot and begins writing back to Lizzie. After he has finished his letter he hides the letter from Lizzie in a box under his bed before then opening his window and a owl takes the envelope from him and flies off into the night.

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