Year 5.2

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Chloe has tried her best to ignore the looks and whispers she is getting. She knows that word has gotten out about her & Draco's split. But that's not the only thing people are whispering about... some people have noticed that Chloe has put on some weight within that last few weeks, which leads to people spreading rumours saying she could be pregnant.

So Chloe went to Madam Pomfrey and asked her for advice. Luckily they wasn't in the hospital wing. "Chloe, right? What brings you here?" She asks. "I think I may be pregnant." Chloe says a lot quieter but still loud enough to be heard. "Right, take that bed." She says before pulling curtains around you so no one knows what's going on. Before returning with a test.

"You need to go to bathroom and see on this and then wait for the result ok." She says. "Ok." Chloe nods as she gets up and goes to the toilet and follows Madam Pomfrey's instructions before quickly washing her hands and running back to the hospital wing with the test. "It's done. I can't bring myself to look." Chloe says. "I will look for you." She says as she looks over to see 2 lines. Chloe can see by the look of her face, what the result is. Before she shows the test to Chloe.

Chloe's breathing starts getting heavy really quickly. "I think I'm having a panic attack." She wheezes.
"Do you want me to get anyone?" Madam Pomfrey says. "No. No one can know. I need to get rid of it." Chloe says. "You sure? This is a big decision. I would think on it." Pomfrey says.
"I can't have a kid. Not at my age. I'm not ready to be a mother." Chloe says.
"Ok. Do you know how far you are?" Pomfrey asks. "Not exactly, but around I think it's around 10 weeks." Chloe says. "Ok, I'm going to give you a pill today and then come back in a week for your last pill, be prepared for a heavy period." Pomfrey says.
"I will, thank you." Chloe says as Pomfrey goes to get the pill and returns with some pumpkin juice. "There you go my dear." She says as she passes Chloe the pill and the juice. "Thanks again." Chloe says as she takes the pill. "You may leave, any problems don't hesitate to come to me ok." Pomfrey says. "I will, don't worry." Chloe says before returning back to the common room and does some exams.

When she's done, it is almost dinner time. She collects her things and goes to hand her exams to her teachers before handing to the great hall. Chloe is now all caught with her school work. She heads to hand in her exams to the teachers before going to the great hall to eat before going to Quidditch practice.

After practice is finished, she heads to the library to get some books to take notes however bumps into a familiar face. It's Draco. Avoiding contact with him she gets her books and gets them stamped before going to leave before bumping into someone. "Hey, watch it." The voice says.
"I'm sorry." Chloe says. The person turns around to reveal none other than Cho Chang. "Oh it's you. I'm sorry." Cho says. "No, I'm sorry. I heard about Cedric. I'm always here. He was a great man. I'll make sure I'll do him proud for the quidditch team." Chloe says. Cho nods in response. "Thank you. He was worried about you taking over him. But I couldn't think of someone better to take over. Best of luck in your next game." Cho says.
"Thanks. You know where I'll be if you need me." Chloe says.
"I know, thanks again." Cho says before walking off deeper into the library. Chloe heads back to the common room to reveal that she was alone. She heads over to her bed and cries into her pillow.

After some hours, the girls dorm door opens and in comes Hannah & Susan. "Oh, I I thought we'd be alone." Susan says. "Oh don't mind me." Chloe says as she sniffles. "Is everything ok?" Hannah asks. "Yeah. Just things getting to me. Cedric and school that's all." Chloe says.

"We all miss Cedric. We know you were close." Susan says. Chloe sits up and nods in response. "Where is Lizzie?" Chloe asks. "She's with Fred." Hannah says. "Is everything ok with you and Draco? Just people have been saying...." Hannah says.
"Saying that we broke up. Yes it's true. I ended things with him." Chloe says.

"Ohh, I thought you two were serious about each other?" Susan asks.
"Me too. But he changed." Chloe says.
The girls nods. "People have been saying other stuff too." Hannah asks.
"Oh, yeah like what?" Chloe asks as she wipes her eyes, knowing fine well what they going to ask. "People think you are pregnant. But we didn't want to assume. As we don't fat shame here as we understand if you gained weight over the break up. We are all guilty of indulging in more than we should at times." Susan says.

"It's not true. Like you said just put on some weight with the break up." Chloe says. "We are here for you." Susan & Hannah say as they both hug me. "Thanks girls. I'm going to go down to the common room for a study." Chloe says before getting up, gathering her books and bag to go down and start studying.

Lizzie finally returns. "Hey sis." She says clearly happy from being with Fred most of the day. "Hey. Had a good day?" Chloe asks. Lizzie smiles before responding. "Yeah I did, you?" Lizzie asks. "Not the best but ok." Chloe says.
"Shit, it totally slipped my mind about you and Draco. I'm sorry." Lizzie says.
"It's ok. I ended things with him. Anyways I'm going to bed now." Chloe says. "Same, been a long day." Lizzie says. "You can say that again, sis." Chloe says. As the girls head up to the dorms and over to their beds to sleep.

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