The Yule ball.1

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As the weeks go by, each nearing closer and closer to the ball. The girls excitement grows as the weeks go by. Meanwhile, Draco has been non stop writing to Chloe about what's been happening so far this year with the triwizard championship with Harry being in it alongside this Hufflepuff boy called Cedric Diggory. Draco has asked Chloe to be his date for the ball, he said if she can't make it then he will go to her. Isn't that sweet?

On the other hand, Fred has asked Lizzie to be his date for the ball. Good news, Fred's dad agreed to meet Chloe & Lizzie at the station and Let them stay at the Burrow for one night before taking them to Hogwarts in time for the ball.

As soon as Chloe found out the news, she sent Lizzie a voice message of her reaction and asked Lizzie to pass on a message to Fred and his dad to say thanks on behalf of herself. After having several conversations with Chloe, Lizzie told her that she thinks Ginny will like her. Which of course, Chloe was thrilled about it.

*Fast forward to the night before the ball.*

As everyone is in the Great hall ready to have a grand Christmas feast. Pansy finally speaks up. "Draco, here." She says as she passes him a cup of juice.*!
"What is this?" Draco asks.
"Just Pumpkin juice, I'm not thirsty. So I thought you may want it, it's not been touched." Pansy adds.

"Oh ok then." Draco says before taking a swig of pumpkin juice. "That tastes a bit different compare to normal." Draco says. "Oh, it's my mother's own recipe, she must add something different sorry." Pansy says.
"No don't be. I love it." Draco says as he takes another mouthful of it.

Blaise picks up the cup and sniffs it before placing it back down. "Everything ok Blaise?" Pansy asks.
"Yeah, just this doesn't smell like Pumpkin juice that's all." Blaise says.
"Well it is, like I said it's mother own recipe so she makes it her own way." Pansy says.

"Pansy." Draco says.
"Yes, Draco." Pansy says.
"Will you be my date to the Yule ball?" Draco asks. Blaise is in shock at what Draco just said. "Of course I will, I have my dress all ready anyways." Pansy says. "Great, Then, I'll meet you at 7 at the entrance of the ball." Draco says. "Now if you'll excuse me, I better go and check my suit is in all condition ready for tomorrow then I'm going to have an early night." Draco says.
"Ok, see you tomorrow." Pansy says as she waves him bye. "See you tomorrow mate." The boys say. *Draco leaves to go to the common room.*

"What did you do to him?" Blaise asks.
"What you talking about?" Pansy asks.
"Malfoy said he didn't like you like that and now suddenly he does..." Blaise says. "What can I say, he must of realised his true feelings for me." Pansy says. "That or you gave him a love potion?" Blaise asks.
"Of course not, You seen I gave him pumpkin juice." Pansy says.

"Course you did." Blaise says.
"What are you saying Blaise?" Pansy asks. "I'm saying, you haven't spoke to any of us in months and now just before the ball you just happen to give Malfoy some off Pumpkin juice and within seconds of drinking it he asked out to the ball. Sounds rather odd if you ask me." Blaise says.

"Why, you jealous Zabini?" Pansy asks.
"You wish." Blaise says. "I'm watching you Parkinson." Blaise adds. "There's nothing to watch. But me and Draco dancing tomorrow night at the ball." Pansy says. "Now if you don't mind I better be going need to get my beauty sleep for tomorrow." Pansy adds.
"Course you do." Blaise jokes.
"Bye." Pansy says.
"Bye." The boys say. *Pansy leaves to go to the common room.*

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