Year 5

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"At the end of last year before Christmas, Harry formed a group called Dumbeldore's Army I believe." Hannah says. "Oh we should join sis. After all we get to learn spells that Umbridge is not letting us do." Lizzie says. "I don't know, as Draco is part of the inquisitorial squad & if he finds out I'm in this. I don't know what he'll do." Chloe says. "Just think about it ok,  when you have decided. I can talk to Harry for you." Hannah says.
"I'll think about it." Chloe says.
"I'm in. Is Susan in too?" Lizzie asks.
"She is. As is Fred and a lot of Gryffindors to be honest but so is Cho & Luna and some others." Hannah says. "That's great. I'll be at the next one." Lizzie says before returning her book.

All over the holidays, the girls have never stopped doing school work in an attempt to catch up on the years that they missed. They are now up to year 3 work after getting the grades back from previous years. Lizzie achieved E which is exceeds expectations whereas Chloe achieved an O which is Outstanding in all their subjects.

"I love care of magical creatures do you sis?" Chloe asks.
"Yeah I do it's my favourite Wbu?" Lizzie asks. "I love it but astronomy is my favourite." Chloe responds.
"I got to go I'm meeting Fred as he is going to help me catch up. See you later." Lizzie says before putting her bag on and leaving to meet Fred.

Chloe continues taking notes whilst having regular breaks before sitting an exam once finished she packs her stuff up and goes to hand in her exam to Hagrid. "Where you off to cutie?" Draco asks. Chloe turns around, "I thought you had a meeting with Umbridge?" Chloe asks. "Oh, I'm just dropping off my exam for Hagrid."Chloe says. "It got cancelled. You are sure are a Hufflepuff." Draco says.
"Too right, I am. I'm almost completed my third year notes and then I look over them again and again before putting them away and doing an exam." Chloe says.
"Want to hang out?" Draco says.
"Yes. Just let me drop this off at Hagrid's. Then I'm all yours." Chloe says. "I like the sound of that." Draco says as he smirks as he walks with you to Hagrid's.

"There you go sir." Chloe says as she hands him the paper. "Wow, already I only gave it to a month ago." Hagrid says. "Yeah, I worked all through the holidays taking notes and reading them again and again before doing the exam earlier." Chloe says.
"You are a hard worker Chloe, I'll give you that. Almost as good as our Hermione." Hagrid says.
"Chloe is 10 times better than Granger." Draco says.
"Maybe." Hagrid says. Chloe & Draco say bye to Hagrid as they head back to the castle hand in hand.

Draco drags Chloe into an empty classroom. "Why are we here?" Chloe asks. "This is the only space I could think of. I want you." Draco says as looks into your eyes full of lust.
"Someone can walk in." Chloe says.
"Muffliato." Draco says.
"What's that?" Chloe asks.
"Protection charm. It muffles out any sound so no one can hear us if we make any noise." Draco says.
"Do you have any on you?" Chloe says.
Draco smirks as he knows what she is referring too. "Of course babe, I knew I couldn't resist you till the holidays." Draco says. "You are so cute you know that." Chloe says.
"You are perfect. All of you." Draco says as he lifts her up on a desk as he begins to kiss her passionately; clothes are removed as the packet is opened and he puts the condom before sliding into her.

Draco quickens his pace as his hands go through her hair pulling her hair as he goes rougher into Chloe. Chloe's legs begin shake due to the intense sex. "Yes, right there. Yes. Yes. Yesss!" Chloe moans as she claws his back. "Come for me beautiful, come for me" Draco pleads. Chloe is breathing heavily and is almost ready to cum as Draco hits her sensitive spot, she cums. "That's it baby. That's it." Now stay there." Draco pulls out of her and disposes of the condom back in the packet before placing it in a bin over a tissue to cover it.

"Now what?" Chloe says regaining her breath. "Open your legs for me." Draco demands. Chloe smirks and does so as he rests his head between your thighs as he holds each side as he licks her out whilst leaving lovebites on her inner thighs. Chloe moans as she grips onto his hair tugging it a little. After a couple of minutes Draco stops, as he starts kissing down her neck and chest leaving lovebites as he goes. Before hearing a rattle of keys in the classroom door. "You said, they couldn't hear us?" Chloe whispers.
"They can't. But they can see us." Draco whispers as he grabs his and yours things and gestures that they hide in the cupboard. Chloe gets up quickly and hurries inside the cupboard with Draco, just as the door opens. "It's Snape." Chloe whispers.
"He can't hear us." Draco says.
"But... he can see us and sense movement." Chloe says.
"Then when we better not move then should we." Draco says. The two share a smirk as they kiss each other for the rest of the duration that Snape is in his class. Before leaving to what they guess is to see Dumbeldore.

Draco & Chloe get dressed in the cupboard the best they can before stumbling out and cleaning themselves up before leaving the room only to overhear a conversation they wish they didn't. "10 high security prisoners have broke out of Azkaban." Mcgonagall tells Snape. Draco & Chloe stay hidden behind a wall and quiet. "No doubt linked to you know who's return no doubt." Mcgonagall adds. Mcgonagall walks off. Snape walks in the opposite direction totally disregarding the fact that Draco & Chloe overhead the previous conversation.

"Did you know about this?" Chloe whispers. "No." Draco lies.
"You are lying." Chloe says.
"I can explain." Draco says.
"I thought you were different to your family." Chloe says.
"I am. I am. I promise." Draco says.
"What has he told you to do?" Chloe says. Draco knows fine well who Chloe is on about. "I was chosen. He put his faith in me." Draco says.

"So, you don't have to do it." Chloe says. "He will kill me if I don't." Draco says. "I'll ask again, what had he told you to do?" Chloe asks.
"To kill Dumbeldore." Draco says.
"You aren't going to go through with it surely?" Chloe asks.
"I don't have a choice. I was born into this Chloe." Draco says.

"Show me your arm?" Chloe asks.
"Why?" Draco asks.
"You are one of them aren't you? That's why you bust Harry's nose." Chloe says.
"How do you know about that?" Draco asks. "I saw. I waited for you after you told me to leave." Chloe says. "Also, Luna told me & I saw her fix Harry's nose." Chloe says. "Show me your arm!" Chloe says raising her voice.
Draco lifts his sleeve to reveal nothing on his arm. "Your other one?" Chloe asks. Draco rolls his eyes before doing so revealing the dark mark.

Chloe steps back as she sees and gulps holding back her tears as her eyes gloss over. "I knew it. We are over!" Chloe says before running off. Draco instantly drops to his knees in tears before standing up and taking out his emotions on the wall leaving his knuckles all bloody. Before running into toilets to try and scrub the Mark off but no amount of soap and water will remove that.

Chloe returns to the Hufflepuff common room. "I'm in." She says. "What about Draco?" Hannah says. "He's not my concern anymore." Chloe says. "So can I join?" Chloe asks.
"Sure, I'll send Harry an owl." Hannah says. "Thanks, I'm going to go for a nap before dinner. Will you guys wake me up in time for it please?" Chloe asks.
"Of course. Is everything ok sis?" Lizzie asks. "Yeah, just tired." Chloe says. She heads up to the dorms into her bed silently cries into one of her pillows that she holds close as she slowly falls asleep.

Weeks later... Chloe joins Dumbeldore Army and learns some defensive spells before being interrupted by the doors of the room of requirement being blown up. Which makes Dumbeldore leave school for a bit as he takes the blame for Harry, by saying he asked Harry to form the group.

Rumour be told that Cho was the one who told Umbridge apparently under the influence of veritaserum. Months pass and Harry and his friends get rid of Umbridge, Dumbeldore is back! Also the ministry now know that Voldemort is back as they seen him briefly before he disappeared and tried to possess Harry. But thanks to Dumbeldore, Harry pulled through and Voldemort left after that.

But we all know that this is only the beginning of a long war...

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