Year 4.1

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After another long holidays where as always the boys kept writing to the girls, and Lizzie kept writing to Ginny. Lizzie is planning on seeing Fred and his family again some time during the holidays but still need finalise with her parents first. Lizzie & Chloe have a catch up as they haven't really had a chance to with school being busy and the letters.

Lizzie: hey sis, you ok?
Chloe: hey sis and Yh you?
Lizzie: Yeah, I'm planning on going to see Fred sometime in the holidays.
Chloe: oh that's great. I'm really happy for you two. I really am.
Lizzie: what about you and Malfoy?
Chloe: well it's complicated....

Lizzie: how?
Chloe: We aren't official but I wouldn't say we are just friends.
Lizzie: oh I see, so you told him how you feel then?
Chloe: not exactly.. He signed one of letters a while back saying love.
Lizzie: oh so he initiated it then.

Chloe: kinda, then I finally got the nerve to say love back I'm not my last letter but the one before that.
Lizzie: I see, what did he say?
Chloe: In his next letter, he asked about it asking if I meant what I said and asked if I wanted to be more than friends.
Lizzie: and you said yes of course.

Chloe: duhhh. I told him in the next letter. So yeah we are kinda dating but it's only early days.
Lizzie: it's something though.
Chloe: yeah, it is.
Lizzie: well I'm happy for you two, I really am. You deserve this sis.
Chloe: thank you, so do you. I was thinking of maybe surprising Draco at school some time this year. Haven't decided when yet though.

Lizzie: that would be amazing. Keep me informed.
Chloe: I will do, you too. Ok I got to go as tea is ready. Talk later.
Lizzie: talk later sis bye.
Chloe: bye.
*hangs up.*

Meanwhile back at Malfoy manor. "Dad." Draco says.
"Yes, son?" Lucius asks.
"You know that girl I mentioned a while back now." Draco says.
"The one you write too." Lucius adds.
"Yes, that one." Draco says.
"What about her?" Lucius says.
"We are.... sorta.... kinda.... dating." Draco eventually gets out his words.

"Say something. Dad." Draco says. Lucius looks down at his son and smiles. "I'm happy for you son. You have learnt the lesson I was trying to teach you." Lucius says.
"You were trying to teach me how to love someone despite their differences to us." Draco says.
"You're right." Lucius says before continuing. "I'm so happy for you son, does mother know?"

"Not yet, dad, I want to tell her separately if that's ok?" Draco asks.
"Course it is, it's your life. I'd rather it be here than that Pansy girl in your house. She seems quite obsessed with you." Lucius says.
"Oh, I know Dad. She freaked out last year as I got a letter from Chloe whilst at school and she opened it and obviously got jealous. Ended up with her running off in tears as I told her straight. I don't like her like that." Draco says. "Well done son, proud of you. Just be careful this year, I've got a feeling that Pansy won't give up that easily" Lucius says.
"I will dad." Draco says

At the Burrow:

"When's Lizzie coming? I miss her." Ginny asks. "I don't know, she needs to finalise things first." Fred says.
"Oh, muggles." Ginny says as she storms off to her room. "Ignore her, she's just missing Lizzie." Molly says.
"So am I Mom, you know I really do love her." Fred says.
"I know you do son, your face says it all. You are smitten." Molly says. Fred blushes before heading up to his room.

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