Chloe- 3

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The next day, as Chloe is on her computer playing a game she is interrupted by a tap at her window which she goes to open as the very same owl from the day before flies in dropping the letter on her bed before perching itself on her window.

Chloe grabs the letter and begins to read it in her head.

Dear Chloe,

Oh what I'd do to be where you are right now. My father is really got my wand in a knot. All I asked is a simple question on why he got me in touch with you as he was the one that somehow got your address. Trust me I don't know either, he won't tell me anything. He said it is to teach me a lesson or something. But we are from different worlds, I'm a pure blood soon to be wizard and well you are a muggle.

My family hates muggles. So I was confused on why my father got me in touch with you in the first place. When I asked what was his idea behind the plan he said he can't say as then it won't form naturally. I asked what he meant by that and he just stayed silent so I just stormed off up here to write to you. He knows of you now.

Regarding Hogwarts, I'm excited about going and starting my studies towards becoming a wizard that my family know I can be.

Stay safe and well

Draco x

Chloe rereads the letter again to check if her eyes are correct that Draco Malfoy thee Draco Malfoy has put a kiss at the end of the letter. This immediately made Chloe smile from ear to ear whilst experiencing butterflies in her stomach.

Could this be a start to something new?

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