Draco- 3

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The next day, Draco received another letter from Chloe, which he immediately ran to his room to read and reply back.

Dear Draco,

You are welcome here anytime. As for your father I'm sure he's just looking out for you. Your father is a wise man I'm sure whatever he has planned has got your best interest at heart otherwise he wouldn't be recommending it for you.

Remember to write to me on your first day to tell me what house you get sorted into and tell me how it was. Also thanks for the kiss on the end of the letter it was a sweet ending to the letter, I don't know if it was intentional or not but I just wanted you to know that I liked it.

Oh P.S you didn't tell me if your owl was a boy or girl and it's name?

Stay safe and well

Chloe xx

He smiled as Chloe mentioned the kiss at the end of the letter before realising she put two kisses to complete her letter. He smiles widely before getting his usual supplies and replies back to Chloe.

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