Good times

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As the night continues, everybody dances away; till the teachers say it's time for bed and everyone will leave and make their ways back to the common rooms.

"Looks like I got to go. Chloe says as she puts her bottom lip out and frowns. "Please stay." Draco says holding your hand. "I would love to, but where?" Chloe asks. "I won't be exactly welcome by all the girls in the girls dorm. will I?" Chloe says.

"She could stay in another common room?" Hermione asks.
"That would be nice, but that's not up to me." Chloe says.
"I'm sure Professor Dumbledore will make an exception for you." Hermione says. "But what about my best friend, Lizzie?" Chloe asks.
"Who's she?" Hermione asks.
"She's my girlfriend!" Fred shouts.
"Ohhh. I see." Hermione says as she smiles at Lizzie.

Professor Dumbledore comes towards them. "Professor Dumbledore sir, you must let them stay." Hermione begs.
"Relax Granger. May you two girls come with me?" Dumbledore asks.
Chloe and Lizzie go with Dumbledore.
"Yes sir." The girls say.
"You both have shown true power for your boys." Dumbledore says.
"Thank you sir." Chloe says.
"Especially you, Chloe. Standing up to miss Parkinson like that, is a very brave thing to do. As for you Lizzie, I've never seen Mr Weasley as smitten as he is with you. You two would make a fine addition to Hogwarts." Dumbledore says.

"Seriously, you want us to go here?" Chloe says. "But we aren't witches." Lizzie says. "Anyone can become a witch or wizard if they believe and put the hard work in. I believe that you two would do exactly that." Dumbledore says. "Thank you, Professor Dumbledore sir." Lizzie says.
"Now, I ought not to keep you from your boys any longer, in the new year you two will become Hogwarts students." Dumbledore says.
"OMG, thank you so much, I won't let you down sir. I promise." Chloe says as she shakes his hand. "Me too sir. We will make you proud." Lizzie says as she shakes his hand. As they both curtesy to him before hugging each other tight and thanking him again before returning to the boys.

Lizzie & Fred make their way over to Chloe & Draco. "Look, I know you two don't see eye to eye. But can you please be civil for mine and Chloe's sake." Lizzie says. "Of course babe. Just have to make sure Malfoy knows that." Fred says. Meanwhile Chloe is telling Draco the same thing. "I won't. I'm a changed person babe." Draco says.
"Good." Chloe says.

"Draco, meet my best friend Lizzie and of course you know Fred already I assume." Chloe says.
"Nice to meet you Lizzie. Fred." Draco says as he acknowledges Fred with a nod. "Nice to meet you too Draco." Lizzie says. "I hope me and you can put our differences aside and make a new future between our families." Fred says.  "Agreed." Draco says as he shakes Fred's hand.

"Oh, we have something to tell you boys." The girls say with a smile beaming from ear to ear. "What is it babe?" Draco asks.
"Yeah, what is it darling?" Fred asks.
"Me and Lizzie are going to be joining you guys at Hogwarts in the new year!" The girls say with excitement.
"That's great." The boys say.
"I can help you with your studies and we get to hang out more." Fred says.
"Exactly Fred, I'm so happy that you are going to join me here babe." Draco says. "Better watch out, as soon I'll be making the quidditch team." Chloe says. "I'd look forward to playing alongside with you babe. No matter what house you are put in." Draco says.
"What he said. I love you darling and no house is going to change that." Fred says. "Awwww, you're sweet." Lizzie says as she kisses his cheek.

"Now, if you'll excuse us. I would like to introduce Lizzie to some others?" Fred asks. "Oh, of course. Don't mind us. We will catch up later." Chloe says. Lizzie smiles as she and Fred head away to mingle with others. "Now what do we do?" Chloe asks.
"Well you already met Zabini & Pansy. Want to meet Crabbe & Goyle?" Draco asks. "Of course." Chloe says as she links Draco's arm as they walk away looking for Crabbe and Goyle.

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