Draco- 2

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Draco is greeted my an owl as he goes to the door to collect the mail for his family.  "Anything for us son?" Lucius says. "Yes, I've just left it on the side bench father." Draco responses.
"Thank you son." Lucius says.
"I'm going up to my room ok." Draco says. "Ok, guess once you at Hogwarts you will miss it huh?" Lucius says.
"Yes father, I will." Draco responds before heading upstairs to his room to read his letter.

"That was quick." He says to himself. He opens the letter and reads it to himself.

Dear Draco,

Yes, I would love to be friends. Also I was quite surprised when your owl tapped on my window before I let it in. Forgive me I don't know if your owl is a boy or girl? Before perching itself on the end of my bed and dropping your letter on my bed.

Then once I finished with your letter I handed it over to the owl which took it in its beak and flew out of my window. Aren't you nervous about going to the new school?

Stay safe and well


After finishing reading your letter he holds it close to his chest and looks at the owl. "You don't think that my father is trying to tell me something do you Francis?" Draco talks to his owl. The owl looks at him puzzled. "Oh don't look at me like that." Draco rolls his eyes at the owl. Before hiding the letter in his box under his bed before going downstairs.

"Father, can I ask you something?" Draco asks. "Of course son. Ask away." Lucius replies. "About that address you gave me. What is the idea behind it?" Draco asks. "I can't quite tell you yet as then it won't happen naturally." Lucius says. "What won't happen naturally?" Draco asks.

Lucius stays quiet. "Father, her name is Chloe, she's a muggle." Draco says.
"I know." He responds.
"We hate muggles." Draco says.
"'Maybe, I'm trying to teach you a lesson." Lucius says. 

"Ughhh." Draco says before returning to his room and getting out some parchment and a pot of ink and begins writing his letter to Chloe and once done placing it in Francis's beak before he flies off into the distance.

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