Year 3.2

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"They've captured Sirius, Harry." Hermione says to Harry who is laying in a hospital bed. "Any minute the dementors are going to perform the kiss." Hermione adds.
"They're gonna kill him." Harry says.
"It's much worse. They're gonna suck out his soul." Hermione says before being interrupted by Dumbledore entering the hospital wing.

"Headmaster, stop them. They got the wrong man." Hermione says.
"It's true, Sirius is innocent." Harry adds. "It's Scabbers who did it." Ron pipes in who's in the bed beside Harry receiving treatment for his leg. "Scabbers?" Dumbledore asks.
"He's my rat, sir. He's not really a rat. He was a rat. He was my brother Percy's rat. But then they gave him an owl." Ron pipes in again.

"The point is, we know the truth. Please believe us." Hermione says.
"I do, Miss Granger. But the word of three 13-year-old wizards will convince few others. A child's voice, however honest and true... is meaningless to those who have forgotten how to listen.
Mysterious thing, time. Powerful... and when meddled with, dangerous. Sirius Black is in the topmost cell of the Dark Tower. You know the laws, Miss Granger. You must not be seen. And you would do well, I feel, to return before this last chime. If not, the consequences are too ghastly to discuss. If you succeed tonight... more than one innocent life may be spared. Three turns should do it, I think. Oh, and by the way. When in doubt, I find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin. Good luck." Dumbledore says as he leaves.

"What was that about?" Ron asks.
"Sorry Ron, but seeing as you can't walk..." Hermione says before getting a golden necklace with a golden time turner in the middle and placing it over Harry's head as well as her own before turning it as Dumbledore said 3 turns. Before all around Harry & Hermione the surrounding started changing before their eyes.

"What just happened? Where's Ron?" Harry asks. Hermione looks at the clock, "7:30. Where were we at 7:30?" Hermione asks. "I don't know, going to Hagrid's?" Harry says.
"Come on, and we can't be seen." Hermione says as they leave the hospital wing and head towards Hagrid's hut.

"Hermione! Wait, will you please tell me what it is we're doing?" Harry asks.
Before going to walk out as Hermione pulls him back. "That's us." Harry says looking confused. "This is not normal." Harry adds. "This is a time turner, Harry. Mcgonagall gave it to me first term. This is how I've been getting to my lessons all year." Hermione says.

As Harry takes this in, "You mean we gone back in time?" Harry asks.
"Yes." Hermione responds. "Dumbledore obviously wanted us to revisit this moment. Clearly, something happened he wants us to change." Hermione says before returning to looking at themselves from some hours ago.

"Good punch." Harry says.
"Thanks. Malfoy's coming." Hermione says before her and Harry run opposite to where they were standing and hide behind some big stone. "Look, Buckbeck's still alive." Harry says.
"Of course. Remember what Dumbledore said? If we succeed, more than one innocent life could be spared. Let's go." Hermione says as her and Harry head down into Hagrid's garden and hide behind some rather large pumpkins.

"Here they come, I'd better hurry." Hermione says. "Fudge has to see Buckbeck before we steal him. Otherwise, he'll think Hagrid set him free." Hermione adds. As they overhear their previous conversation from hours ago, "Thats Pettigrew." Harry says before getting his wand out ready to kill the rat. "Harry, you can't." Hermione says. "He betrayed my parents. You don't expect me to sit here." Harry responds. "Yes, and you must! Remember what I said we can't be seen." Hermione says.

"Fudge is coming. And we aren't leaving? Why aren't we leaving? Are you mad?" Hermione says before getting a stone that was on one of the pumpkins and throwing it through Hagrid's window to hit Harry's head.
"Ow! That hurt!" Harry says beside her.
"Sorry. We're coming out the back door. Go!" Hermione as they run into the forest and hides behind a bulky tree. Whilst she peeps at her, Harry & Ron behind the pumpkins.

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