Chloe- 2

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The next morning...

Chloe wakes up and immediately turns over and texts Lizzie. Did you post the letter? After she puts her phone down and heads downstairs for some breakfast; after finishing breakfast she heads back upstairs to get changed and by then her phone lights up with a notification from Lizzie. She jumps up and answers the call.

Chloe: hey
Lizzie: hey
Chloe: so did you send the letter?
Lizzie: yeah I did, But strangely what happened to you happened to me. A owl came swooping down and took the envelope from my hand and flew off into the distance.
Chloe: see it all is making sense. I still haven't got a reply yet but there's still time.
Lizzie: true. Also I had a weird dream last night.

Chloe: ok, want to talk about it?
Lizzie: Yh, it was about Fred.
Chloe: Fred from Harry Potter?
Lizzie: yeah. I dreamt that he was the one writing to me.
Chloe: wait....
Lizzie: wait what?
Chloe: what are Fred's initials again?
Lizzie: FW why?
Chloe: isn't that the same as your letters?
Lizzie: *looks over at her letter that she kept and looks down at the end saying F.W.* yes it is. Wait you think it could be him?

Chloe: potentially.
Lizzie: so what are the initials on your letter again?
Chloe: DM
Lizzie: Doesn't Draco have them initials?
Chloe: yes he does. OMG I'm talking to Draco Malfoy!
Lizzie: easy, we don't want your parents hearing. Also we don't know that for sure.

Chloe: but there's a chance I could be talking to Draco Malfoy.
Lizzie: writing to him not talking.
Chloe: hey did I second guess you with Fred?
Lizzie: no, but I'm just saying that we don't know for certain it is them.
Chloe: I know. Well keep in touch if anything changes about the letters ok?
Lizzie: sure.
Chloe: got to go, bye.
Lizzie: bye
*call ends.*

Later that day Chloe gets a tap on her bedroom window as she opens the window in flies an Owl that drops a letter on her bed before perching itself on the end of Chloe's bed. Chloe takes the letter from her bed and opens it up.

Dear Chloe,

Glad to hear you are doing well, and as for the new school just be yourself. I'm doing great thanks for asking, I'm preparing to go to a new school myself too. Oh by the way I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy. You seem nice too, I hope we can become friends.

Stay safe and well

Draco Malfoy

She drops the letter back on her bed as her mouth is wide open with shock, she falls back onto her bed and screams with joy into her pillow.  She grabs some paper and a pen and begins writing back to her new friend Draco Malfoy.

Once Chloe has finished the letter she seals the envelope and hands it over to the owl which takes it from Chloe in its beak and flies out of the window it flew by. Chloe is in shock after all that just happened before her eyes, she pinches herself to see if she is dreaming. She is not.

Meanwhile at Lizzie's, Lizzie is home alone as her parents went out grocery shopping. She was just lying on her bed reading a book from her book club before she hears a tap at the window, she goes over and opens the curtains to see a owl hovering outside her window.

She opens the window as the owl flies in and lands on her bed dropping a letter from its beak. Lizzie takes the letter and opens it up to read...

Dear Lizzie,

Glad to hear you are doing well, I'm doing great thanks for asking. Oh by the way I'm Fred, Fred Weasley. You seem nice, I hope we can become friends. I come from a big family consisting of a lot of siblings, I only have one sister compared to five brothers. Also I'm a twin with my brother George but I'm older by like ten minutes at least I think that's what mum told me. Anyways hope to hear back from you.

Stay safe and well

Fred Weasley

She drops the letter back on her bed as her mouth is wide open with shock, she picks up a pillow and screams with joy into her pillow.  She grabs some paper and a pen and begins writing back to her new friend Fred Weasley.

Once Lizzie has finished the letter she seals the envelope and hands it over to the owl which takes it from her in its beak and flies out of the window it flew by. Lizzie still in shock after all that just happened before her eyes, she pinches herself to see if she is dreaming. She is not.

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