Draco- 5

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Draco receives his letter from Chloe, but this time he's at Hogwarts not home. "You got mail?" Blaise asks.
"Yh, but it's not important I'll open it later." Draco says.
"Nonsense, let's see what it says." Pansy says.
"Yeah, come on Malfoy." Crabbe says.
"Fine..." Draco says as he rolls his eyes and opens the letter before trying to keep it as private as possible but Pansy snatches the letter from him.

"Who's Chloe?" Pansy asks clearly jealous. "Relax, Parkinson, it's just a letter." Blaise says.
"From a girl..." Pansy replies getting mad. "Ohh, a girl ehh Malfoy." Goyle smirks before nudging Draco playfully.
"It's nothing, now can I have my letter back?" Draco asks.

"Not before you tell us who she is?" Pansy demands. "She's just a friend." Draco says. "Oh yeah, then why is she saying she loves you and says she will go out with you as you suggested you's could be more than friends." Pansy says. "I don't see why, this involves you, in fact any of you. This is my business, my life." Draco says.

"I thought you liked me?" Pansy asks. "Not like that." Draco replies. Pansy who is clearly upset by what she just heard she drops the letter on the table and runs off in tears. "Well now you did it mate." Blaise says.
"I didn't mean to, I can't help how I feel. I'm in love Blaise." Draco says.

"What's her name?" Crabbe asks.
"Chloe." Draco responses.
"Where is she from? Beauxbatons, Ilvermorny?" Blaise asks.
"Ehm, she's.... not exactly a witch." Draco says. As the boys finally realise what he means well all bar Goyle. "So you are dating a mermaid?" Goyle asks.
"No Goyle, honestly you can be so thick at times." Draco says.
"I think what Draco is trying to tell us is that she is a muggle." Blaise says.

"No way, you can't be with a muggle. What about your family?" Crabbe says.
"Keep your voice down, and well it was my father that suggested it to me actually." Draco responds.
"Wow, that's not like him." Goyle says.
"I know,he said he's trying to teach me a lesson and that something won't happen naturally if he told me back when I asked back in first year." Draco says. "Oh Draco, for someone who's smart you are dumb to not know what your father is trying to tell you." Blaise says. "Excuse me." Draco says.
"He's obviously trying to change your opinion on muggles and about the thing that won't happen naturally if he told you, he means you and Chloe getting close like you are now. He wanted it to happen naturally not forced or to give it away too soon. He was trying to teach you how to love someone despite their differences to yourself." Blaise says.

"Wow, your right Blaise. How could I not of known that." Draco says. "I better go and read this and reply. Meet you guys back at the common room." Draco says. "Ok see you later." Blaise says before reaching over to grab himself some mash potato. Crabbe and Goyle already been stuffing their faces the whole time.

Draco scurries off back to the common room and reads Chloe's letter to himself.

Dear Draco,

I would love to be more than friends, of course I meant what I said I don't say stuff like that without meaning it. Of course I want to, but it's ok if you don't want to, as I'm sure there's plenty of girls at Hogwarts who would want to be with thee Draco Malfoy.

Aww I like the name Dobby, he sounds cute. And oh really it was Ginny, I wouldn't of assumed her of opening the chamber, do you think she was in a trance by you know who? Anyways hope year 3 is better for you. As for my second year well at the end of the year I had to choose my options which are subjects that aren't mandatory to take. I chose Art, Food technology & physics in particular about Space and the Solar System. So I'm excited to start that next year.

Love Chloe xx

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