Chloe- 4

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Chloe begins to get anxious thinking she has done something. As she hasn't talked with Draco for weeks she fears that he is becoming distant with her; this upsets Chloe as the over the time of writing letters to Draco, she has developed feelings for him, however she knows that they are many girls at Hogwarts that would also like to be with Draco. This makes Chloe insecure thinking that they have more to offer Draco then she does.

Chloe calls Lizzie for advice and to see how her and her letters between her and Fred have been going.
Chloe: hey sis.
Lizzie: hey sis, you ok?
Chloe: not really you? Draco hasn't wrote to me for weeks.
Lizzie: oh I'm sorry sis, I'm sure everything is ok.
Chloe: I hope it is, as I've got a confession to make, I think I have caught feelings for him.
Lizzie: oh well... you should tell him. As for me and Fred we have been non stop writing to each other. He's even sending kisses to me.
Chloe: I'm happy for you sis, I really am. Draco used to do that before he stopped contacting me. I told him in my last letter to contact me after his first day to tell me what house he got sorted in and how his classes were going? That's why I wrote again recently to see if he will just ignore me again.
Lizzie: I'm sure it will be ok. Oh I better go ok, Fred's owl is at my window with his letter. Talk later.
Chloe: ok.
Lizzie: *hangs up on me.*

After Chloe spends hours just laying at her ceiling letting her thoughts get to her, she is interrupted by a knock at her door. "I have a letter for you. I'll post it through the door." Chloe's Mum says. "Thank you Mum." Chloe says holding back the tears.

Once her mum has gone downstairs, Chloe gets up and collects the letter and returns to her bed and opens it up.

Dear Chloe,

I'm really sorry for not writing. My classes are great thanks for asking. As for my house I got sorted into Slytherin. I've just been caught up with classes and famous Harry Potter is in my year too, and he's the talk of the school. He's the first, first year seeker in a century I've heard. Then he and Weasley and Granger got me detention in the forbidden forest with Hagrid the big oath.

I did the right thing I told on them for being out of the castle after hours. Yes I know I was too but only cause I knew they were up to something. It's always them three. I might try for Quidditch next year for Slytherin, then I could show Harry Potter a thing or two.

Hope you are safe and well

Love Draco xx

Chloe reads the letter and towards the end a smirk creeps on her face when Draco not only sent two kisses but he said love too. This made Chloe's heart skip a beat and calmed her instantly of any previous worries she had earlier that evening. She jumps up and goes over to her desk and responds instantly before opening her window to see where Draco is.

Suddenly a black bird figure swoops past the moon before stopping at Chloe's window, perching itself on her window frame as Chloe hands the letter into the owls beak. In a flash the owl has been and gone.

Meanwhile Fred and Lizzie have never stopped writing to each other. George can see a change in Fred and he think that's down to Lizzie, Fred denies this of course. However Fred has wrote to home several times telling his mum that he thinks he is catching feelings for a girl. Missing out the part that she is a muggle of course and the same age as his little brother Ron.

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