Year 2

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Draco is filling in Chloe with all the news of the previous year that she didn't know over summer break.

Dear Chloe,

Yeah so Harry ended up going after the philosopher's stone along with his 2 friends. However had to go on alone after playing a human game of wizard chess and defeat professor Quirrell who apparently had he who must not be named on the back of his head. I was wondering why he never took that turban off.  They have been rumours that he who must not be named may return.

We were meant to win the house cup but of course Dumbeldore had some last minute points to give to his house of course. So Gryffindor won of course due to the famous 3 gaining points to equal us then Longbottom gaining 10 points for Standing up to them apparently. Favouritism if you ask me?

Anyways now have a long deserved break before starting my second year shopping in a few weeks. How has your first year at muggle school been? If anyone has been mean just tell me the name and I can curse them.

Love Draco xx

Chloe's feelings for Draco have grew more over the months of their first year at school. However she hasn't yet managed to say Love back to him yet.

After the long summer days have been and past it is back to school time. Draco & the Weasleys and other Hogwarts students are off to Diagon Alley to get their stuff for their new year at Hogwarts. Depending on what year they will be, the supplies can be different. Ron's little sister is attending Hogwarts this year as a first year, her name is Ginny.

Before long they are on the Hogwarts Express on their way to their way to Hogwarts. Well technically everyone except Ron & Harry which I'm sure Draco will explain in a letter in the future.

After all is settled for the first proper day back at Hogwarts. First off they second years have their first lesson of Herbology which happened to be with what appeared as normal plants but aren't. The class later discover that they have to place earmuffs on their heads which many students are confused by before Professor Sprout explains that the scream from the mandrake which is what is inside the plant pot can kill. Which instantly got some worrying looks from quite a few students.

Moments later, they are yanking the mandrakes out of their pots and place them in another and cover them up with soil. Which seems easy right, well mandrakes aren't the easy to work with. After that lesson of defence against the dark arts with newly qualified teacher Professor Lockhart which was a long and complicated lesson let we say.

After the first week of their new year, Draco and Fred write to the girls filling them in what's going happened so far.

Dear Chloe,

So much has happened within the first week back, not only has Potter & Weasley almost got themselves expelled for the second time before being saved by Mcgonagall. Apparently Weasley stole his fathers car in order to get himself and Harry here. As they missed the train, typical of them. I heard they got a quite a telling from Snape as rumour be told they were seen by 7 muggles, did you see anything?

Anyways, there's more. They crashed into the whomping willow which is a tree thats been on Hogwarts grounds for many centuries. Not to mention that first herbology lesson too, drastic little swiney things the mandrakes are. Then to top off we have a defence against the dark arts who is a complete idiot need I say, he ran away from the creatures he released to learn about. What a coward. But of course, Granger saved the day as always. It's always one of them three.

Oh and I made the Quidditch team. I'm the new Slytherin seeker. That's all I have for you so far. I'll keep you updated with stuff here in a couple of weeks alongside our normal letters as often as I can.

Love Draco xx

As Chloe takes this all in, she smiles towards as she is happy for him however isn't pleased about the defence against the dark arts teacher. As Chloe doesn't except another letter for at least for a few days from Draco, she is surprised when the next day she is greeted by a letter for her as she gets back from school.

She immediately takes it up to her room to sit on her bed and begins to read it.

Dear Chloe,

I know, you weren't expecting another letter from me this soon. But I've just found out some news that I just had to tell you about. The chamber of secrets have been opened. As apparently there's a message written in blood saying the chamber of secrets have been opened. Enemies of heir, beware.

Rumours have been going round that they think I'm heir of Slytherin, which I'm not. Then I had my first Quidditch match. Which was going well we won, though I didn't catch the snitch it's cause Potter fell off his broom and ended up breaking his arm, which Lockhart tried to mend but he just made it worse which was funny as he had no bones in that arm so it was all floppy which was funny but also quite disturbing at the same time. Which resulted in Potter going to the hospital wing.

After Potter recovered after getting blamed for petrifying Filch's cat, me and him duelled. We both put a good fight, but then I shot a snake out of my wand and everything was in shock as turns out Potter can talk parseltongue.

he has now been blamed for petrifying Nearly headless Nick & Justin Finch Fletchey. Rumour said Potter was sent to Dumbeldore to deal with the consequences, which obviously he let slide at Gryffindor favouritism once again.

Also another rumour has said that Hagrid was the first one to open the chamber apparently. Oh also we have a house elf that serves too, father insisted on getting one before the start of the year so the annoying little scrony thing has been pestering me ever since.

Love Draco xx

After Chloe has taken in all of the gossip and instantly starting writing her reply letter to him before sending it off the next day where Draco's owl will be waiting. It's actually being lurking around my house for 2 days now as usually I reply within the same day.

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