Fred- 3

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It's the morning and Lizzie is greeted by a tap at her window by Fred's owl delivering his letter to her. She takes the letter from the owl with care as she carefully opens it up and reads to herself.

Dear Lizzie,

Hogwarts have Been great so far, thanks for asking. I'll be going into my third year with George in September whilst my little brother Ron will be starting his first year and will be sorted into a house. I think he'll be Gryffindor too as all the Weasleys have been Gryffindors.

Anyways, enough about me, how are things for you? Don't you have to prepare for school? What's it like in the muggle world? Also George knows about you, I caught him reading one of your letters to me as I was watching my owl send this letter to you. He thinks that we are more than friends?

I told him we haven't known each other that long to be able to tell.

Stay safe and well

Fred xx

Lizzie rubs her eyes as if they were playing tricks on her but turns out what she sees is right. Yes, Fred, yes, thee Fred Weasley sent two kisses to her. She is speechless. She takes a moment to take in what just happened before grabbing her stuff to reply once again to Fred.

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