Fred- 4

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As the weeks have went on into Fred's fourth year at Hogwarts, him and Lizzie grew even closer. Fred is definitely flirting with her and Lizzie well she tries back but she's still in shock that Fred likes her.

Towards the end of school year, Fred finally asks Lizzie out and they always write each other and during the holidays arrange to try and meet up somewhere to meet each other face to face. Which makes Lizzie really nervous as she is worried that Fred won't like her once he knows what she really looks like.

Fred & Lizzie have their first date when they meet at Kings Cross station, Fred buys her a hot drink for the long journey on the train she just had, before leading her to his dad's car to take them to the Burrow.

*Fred & Lizzie's first date.*

"I'm really nervous to meet your family Fred." Lizzie says as she puts her hand out to show she is shaking with nerves. "Relax babe, they'll love you just like I do. *takes your hand and kisses it before opening the car door for you.*
"Dad, meet my girlfriend Lizzie, Lizzie meet my dad." Fred says.
"Nice to finally meet you Mr Weasley." Lizzie says.
"Oh please, call me Arthur also great to meet you too. Please tell me some of things you muggles use?" Arthur asks.
"Dad, not now, wait till we're home." Fred says. "Ok son, we will continue that conversation later Lizzie." Arthur says. "I look forward to it." Lizzie says.

Before resting her head on Fred's shoulder as Arthur pulls away and drives them all back to the Burrow. Once they all arrive they are greeted by the rest of Weasleys. "Welcome to the family Lizzie." Arthur says.
"Thank you Arthur, I hope you all like me." Lizzie says.
"Of course they will." Fred says, taking your hand before getting out and holding the door for you. "Mum, meet my girlfriend Lizzie." Fred says.

A women approaches you and Fred as he closes the door. "Nice to meet you sweetie." Mrs Weasley says.
"Nice to meet you too Mrs Weasley." Lizzie says. "Oh please, call me Molly." Molly says. "Ginny, George, Ron, Percy come and meet Lizzie." Molly says.

A little ginger girl comes to Lizzie, "I'm Ginny, nice to meet you." *pulls you in a hug.* "Nice to meet you Ginny." Lizzie says as she hugs Ginny back smiling. After Lizzie was introduced to all the Weasleys she was given a tour of the house by Ginny. Before finally settling in Fred's room on his bed as he joins her as they cuddle.

"Looks like my sister is quite fond of you." Fred says.
"Yeah, I'm glad to call her my sister." Lizzie says before realising what she said. "I mean, not like I'm not saying it that." Lizzie says.
"Relax darling, *he plays with her hair* I know what you meant. I'm just so happy that we can finally do this." Fred says.

"Me too, your family are all so nice and welcomed me like I'm already part of the family." Lizzie says.
"Hopefully, one day you will be." Fred says as he smiles before gently kissing you.* "I love you." Fred says.
*Lizzie kisses back.* "I love you too." Lizzie says. *She sets her head on his shoulders and within minutes she is fast asleep.*

*George knocks.* "Come in." Fred says.
*George enters.* "oh, I'm sorry to disturb. It's just dinners ready."
"Oh ok, I'll be down in a sec. tell mum to leave some aside for Lizzie." Fred says. "No need, she already has." George says before leaving the room and returning downstairs. Fred quietly gets up without disturbing you as he puts a blanket over you as he heads downstairs to have dinner.

"Oh, where is Lizzie darling?" Molly asks. "Oh she's just having a nap, you know after the long journey." Fred says. "Oh yes, well I've set some food aside for her, also what we going to do about the bedding arrangements." Molly asks.
"She can bunk with me, you know us girls got stick together." Ginny says.
"That's very kind of you darling, but she may be more comfortable in Fred & George's room." Molly says.

"I was thinking about taking the couch Anyways." Fred says.
"Oh son, that's so nice of you. But perhaps George should take the couch and you take his bed for the time she's staying." Molly says.
"It's not as if they are going to do anything mum." George says.
"George, shhh." Molly says.
"Do what mum?" Ginny asks.
"Nothing dear, you know what your brother is like always cracking jokes." Molly says before whacking George around the ear with a newspaper.

After a week, Lizzie had to return home. It was a sad day for all, especially Ginny. "I've finally got a sister and now you are leaving. I don't know when I will next see you again." Ginny says. "Relax Ginny, I'll write to you I promise and you too." *nudges Fred.* "Please feel free to send any muggle items that aren't in use to us, I would love to see what sort of stuff you guys have and see how it works?" Arthur asks. "Of course, I'll have a look through my stuff and see what I can do." Lizzie says as she smiles and hugs them all before heading in the car with Fred, Ginny & Arthur & Molly.

They all saw her to the station and all gave each other hugs. Of course they were tears from Ginny & Molly whereas Fred & Ginny seen her on the train and waited till it pulled away before returning back to the car and returning home in a sulky mood.

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